Hey there lovely 💜

Do you consider yourself a people pleaser?
How often in your life have you said 'Yes' when you wanted to say 'No'?

I feel like women are almost trained to say yes from a really young age. Be a good girl, don't be so loud, do what you're told, don't rock the boat etc etc.

For me, I was a classic Yes Woman. I said yes as a first impulse and would then feel so angry with myself afterwards. It was so disempowering.

My heart, intuition and soul would be whispering, 'say no' as my mind overrode them to say yes. Because what would the other person think of me if I said no?

Once I started listening to my heart and following along with her wishes, life started to change, a calmness and a strong inner knowing settled over me and I felt strong and empowered.

It felt amazing.

So what whispers are you ignoring?
What whispers are you drowning out with your mind chatter?

Take some time to be still and tune in to your heart.

And empowerment will follow.

From my whispering heart to yours,

Elle 💜

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