This episode delves into how your DNA affects the medications you should take, a developing field known as Pharmacogenomics, where caregivers are assessing patients’ DNA to try to determine what drug is best for them.

The right drug, at the right dose, at the right time. That’s the goal of pharmacogenomics, which is designed to eliminate trial-and-error medicine, where some patients respond positively to a drug while others receive no benefit. Dr. Mark Dunnenberger, Director of Pharmacogenomics at NorthShore University HealthSystem’s Mark R. Neaman Center for Personalized Medicine, talks about exciting developments in this developing field.   

People featured in this podcast:
Dr. Mark Dunnenberger

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Produced by Jon Hillenbrand and Andy Buchanan.  Artwork by Romi Anderfuren.  Mixed by Jon Hillenbrand.