20 things I've learned in the 20 years...

Feb 28 marks 20 years since I graduated from Palmer and became a Doctor of Chiropractic. We're celebrating all month long in the practice, and one of my patients gave me the idea of sharing 20 things I've learned in my 20 years.

It's going to be simple tidbits of info that you can use today in your quest to healthy living.

Are you ready?! Let's do this!

Mentioned in this episode:




Synergy Science Hydrogen Water: https://www.synergyscience.com/shop/?afmc=1iv

Dr. Lisa's Cookbooks:


Dr. Lisa's Kick Sugar and Keto Courses:




Mentioned in this episode:

Dr. Lisa O Nourish UT (Urinary Tract Support)

Dr. Lisa O Nourish UT (Urinary Tract Support)

Nourish Balance Thrive Supplements

Nourish Liver

We talk about toxicity a lot on the pod, from our food and our environment to the air we breathe and the water we drink. As you’ve heard me say, if we’re not getting rid of toxins, they’re going to store in certain areas of our body—like our fat. As I’ve told my patients for years, if you’re struggling with weight loss, it could be an over burdened body by toxins. Think of it this way—your body won’t release fat because it’s protecting itself from the toxins. It’s so necessary to clear out the filters of our body… including our liver. We change the filters on our cars often, but what about our body?
Check it out at https://www.drlisao.com/collections/all

Balance T Natural Testosterone Support


Nourish Super Greens and Reds
