Do you have a half marathon coming up? Are you wondering how you should be prepared for a race? Are you feeling confident to perform at your best? 

This episode is for you!!! This week we are talking all things Half Marathon Race prep. It is spring and it is 100% Half Marathon Season! It’s exciting to know that live races are coming back and we need to get ready to get out there! 

In this episode I will be covering common questions like - 

How should I prepare for a half marathon the week before?  What should I do the night before a half marathon?  What should I do the morning of a half marathon?

Click the following link to be part of our newest half marathon training team for the Cheshire Half Marathon! We'll be working towards getting you ready to be the best you can be! The program launches on 4/26!

Click the link-->

This week we are sponsored by our partner - Noxgear! Feel safe running in the dark with their amazing products like the tracer 360 that keeps me lit up during my 5:30am runs! Use the code HEALTHYRUNNER to get 35% off your purchase at checkout! Check out their website here --->

If you are frustrated with your nagging aches and pains and have been told to stop running, we can help you!

Are you are ready to invest in becoming a lifelong injury free runner?  If so, let's chat to see if you are a good fit for our SPARK Back high touch point coaching program!  Book your 30 min strategy call with me!  Click here to book your call today!

⚡️𝙎𝙋𝘼𝙍𝙆 𝙋𝙝𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙥𝙮 & the Healthy Runner Podcast Helping Dedicated Runners Feel Strong, Confident, and Maintain Their Mental Sanity Doing What They Love 💙

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