Have you been diagnosed with posterior tibial tendonitis or are you wondering if you can still run with pain on the inside of your ankle?

Do you get sharp or achy pain on the inside part of your shin or your ankle and foot?  

Have you had visible inflammation or a popping sensation and now your ankle just feels stiff? 

You most likely have been running through the pain recently and you may be scared to go to the doctor because you don’t want them to tell you to stop running.  Sound familiar?

Have you tried ice, rest, and not training for the race you really want to do because of this pain?

In this episode, I am going to share with you all I have learned about posterior tibial tendonitis through my personal trials of having this when I started running and helping many runners finally overcome this condition and be able to run!


Here are the links to the resources I mentioned in the episode:


Episode 60:

Why Does My Achilles Hurt When I Run? Part 1 



Episode 61:

Achilles Tendonitis: Treatment and Prevention 



How to Foam Roll Your Running Muscles:



How to strengthen your intrinsic deep foot muscles:



How to strengthen and load your posterior tibial tendon:



How to activate your hip external rotator muscles:



How to progress your hip external rotator muscles in standing:



Find out more about my SPARK Back Coaching program here:



Ready to invest in becoming a lifelong injury free runner and want to jump on a call to see if you are a good fit for how I help runners? Grab your slot on my calendar…



Sponsored by...

This week we are sponsored by our partner, Noxgear! Feel safe running in the dark with their amazing products like the tracer 360 that keeps me lit up during my 5:30am runs! Use the code HEALTHYRUNNER to get 35% off your purchase at checkout! Check out their website here ---> https://www.noxgear.com

As always, thank you for listening and I hope you enjoyed the episode!

Are you a dedicated runner trying to get out of the injury cycle or a frustrated runner looking to get faster?  


Get stronger, run faster, and become a lifelong injury free runner with our 16 week 1-on-1 Healthy Runner Coaching Program.  Get the support, structure, and accountability from experts in the health and running industry.  Personalized easy to follow plans tailored to your unique needs and busy life.


If you’re interested in learning more, we’ve got a behind the scenes video tour of our coaching program and hear from many of our athletes who were struggling with the same sticking points that you are.  Just head to: https://learn.sparkhealthyrunner.com/coaching


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