Do you want to keep your mind in the right place during your run or do you just need some motivation to get out there and run?  Well this is the episode for you with our very own Healthy Runner Coach LaToya.

In this episode, Coach LaToya is going to talk about finishing your training plan strong, how to avoid mental fatigue, and race day tips and mantras!

She will answer some common questions like these:

    What is a running mindset?     How do I improve my running mindset on race day and beyond?     How do we avoid mental fatigue as runners?     How do we finish our training plan strong?     What is a mantra and how can they keep you going through those tough miles?

Sponsored By...

This week we are sponsored by our partner, Noxgear! Feel safe running with their amazing products like the 39g bluetooth speaker that lets you listen to your favorite music, audiobook, or... podcast! Use the code HEALTHYRUNNER to get 35% off your purchase at checkout! Check out their website here  --->

Are you a dedicated runner trying to get out of the injury cycle or a frustrated runner looking to get faster?  


Get stronger, run faster, and become a lifelong injury free runner with our 16 week 1-on-1 Healthy Runner Coaching Program.  Get the support, structure, and accountability from experts in the health and running industry.  Personalized easy to follow plans tailored to your unique needs and busy life.


If you’re interested in learning more, we’ve got a behind the scenes video tour of our coaching program and hear from many of our athletes who were struggling with the same sticking points that you are.  Just head to:


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