Do you get lost in all the exercises shared out there on social media? Do you know you should be doing exercises to make you a better runner but you are not sure what you should be doing…😩?

In this episode we are going to cover the best exercises for you to do in order to get stronger, faster, and healthier as a runner.

These exercises are going to be the specific exercises that will translate best to your specific activity of running.

These are going to focus on exercises when your foot is on the ground and you are training on one leg (like you are when running)

In this episode we cover:

- Why train on 1 leg?

- 5 benefits of this type of training

- 3 specific examples of exercises that will allow you to train on 1 leg with your foot on the ground.

Here are the videos of these exercises:

Hip External Roatators ("taps & circles"):

Gluteus Medius Muscle (Hip Drops):

Reverse Lunge Into Single Leg Hold:

Here is the Live Training I did on this topic in video form:


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