You’ve likely heard of fast food and probably even fast fashion, but have you heard of fast furniture? Similar to food and fashion, the fast furniture trend has gained attention for its negative environmental and social impact. 

Disposable furniture offers affordable on-trend home décor options, yet, fast furniture is made quickly and cheaply with often toxic-laden materials, and since it typically only for a short period (1-3+ years) the furniture ends up in a landfill. According to experts, nearly 10 million tons of furniture piled up in landfills in 2018.

Here to shed light on this problem is our guest, Kristen Toth, President and COO of Fernish, a furniture and home decor rental service that’s making it as effortless as possible to create a home that allows you the high-quality, modern home furnishings you want - without the commitment or high upfront costs.

Key Takeaways:

          What the circular economy is and how Fernish is partaking in it           What fast furniture means and ways it is damaging to our environment          The sustainable measures Fernish has taken           Besides sustainable efforts, some other reasons people use Fernish           How Fernish’s partnership with Holos Communities is adding an extra layer to sustainability and social impact effort           The areas of the country Fernish currently services

You can learn more about Fernish at We’ll have all the links in the show notes at www. Stay tuned for the next episode. Get ready to up-level your health.