Healthy Habits 4 Life with Dr. Carol Perlman artwork

Healthy Habits 4 Life with Dr. Carol Perlman

128 episodes - English - Latest episode: 15 days ago - ★★★★★ - 71 ratings

Dr. Carol Perlman is a psychologist, health coach, and married mom of 2 boys. She knows first hand what it’s like to be a frazzled mompreneuer who hits snooze until the last possible moment and feels completely overwhelmed by her endless tasklist. For years she watched other busy moms and wondered how the heck they found time to work out. And how did they stop picking off their kids’ plates?

One day she had enough, and began studying HOW successful people create daily habits. She was determined to figure out how they follow a nutrition plan that aligns with their goals, exercise on a regular basis, and manage ALL the tasks that a working mom must oversee. And over time, she transformed into a vibrant, successful business owner who jumps out of bed at 5 am, excited about her day.

In the Healthy Habits 4 Life Podcast she teaches you all of her best tips for creating and sustaining daily habits for a healthy lifestyle. She breaks it all down into manageable steps you can incorporate one by one so you manage your time well, maximize your productivity, and create time for self care and relaxation. Yes, it IS possible for a busy mom to create time to exercise and eat well, and experience joy and gratitude in day to day life.

Dr. Perlman will teach you everything she’s learned personally, as well as the strategies and systems for change she has been teaching her clients for over two decades. You’ll listen in as she chats with other experts in the health and wellness industry and discovers the habits THEY teach to promote better health.

Your health, your mindset, and your time management are your everything.
And everything is easier when it becomes a habit.
Welcome to the Healthy Habits 4 Life show.

Mental Health Health & Fitness Alternative Health
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69 - Carol Perlman - How it Started vs How it’s Going (Part 2) - A Check in on The Habits We’ve Been Discussing

June 27, 2022 09:00 - 19 minutes - 30.1 MB

Your habits shape who you are. And yes, forming positive habits isn't always easy. Join Carol as she shares Part 2 on how she implements the healthy habits we've discussed. Let's revisit the episodes to examine our progress and current thoughts on them. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: How much have you transformed by simply working on style? What are the well-known health benefits of essential oils? How do you help nurture a child's creativity? How can you keep...

68 - Carol Perlman - How it Started vs How it’s Going- a Check in on the Habits We’ve Been Discussing

June 20, 2022 09:00 - 25 minutes - 37.9 MB

Your habits govern your life, literally. And growing a new practice involves performing the same task time and again. In this episode, Carol will assess her journey on the habits she has discussed here in her podcast. It's time to track your habits as a great way to stick to them long-term! Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: How long does it take to form a new habit? Why is it essential to track the progress of your new habits? How can you start new habits that sti...

68 - Carol Perlman - How it Started vs How it’s Going (Part 1) - A Check in on the Habits We’ve Been Discussing

June 20, 2022 09:00 - 25 minutes - 37.9 MB

Your habits govern your life, literally. And growing a new practice involves performing the same task time and again. In this episode, Carol will assess her journey on the habits she has discussed here in her podcast. It's time to track your habits as a great way to stick to them long-term! Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: How long does it take to form a new habit? Why is it essential to track the progress of your new habits? How can you start new habits that sti...

68 - Carol Perlman - How it Started vs How it’s Going - A Check in on the Habits We’ve Been Discussing (Part 1)

June 20, 2022 09:00 - 25 minutes - 37.9 MB

Your habits govern your life, literally. And growing a new practice involves performing the same task time and again. In this episode, Carol will assess her journey on the habits she has discussed here in her podcast. It's time to track your habits as a great way to stick to them long-term! Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: How long does it take to form a new habit? Why is it essential to track the progress of your new habits? How can you start new habits that sti...

67 - Carol Perlman - Choose Your Story Change Your Life - A Synopsis of the Book by Kindra Hall

June 12, 2022 21:00 - 27 minutes - 40.4 MB

Millions of books are published every year. But which book provides tangible takeaways? Join Carol as she highlights the book, "Choose Your Story, Change Your Life" by Kindra Hall. Carol will share how this book helped her life and career. This book is undoubtedly life-changing and will reshape your thinking! Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: Why should you be careful of the stories you tell yourself? What are the 5 powerful strategies you can use to have a better ...

66 - Carol Perlman - Embracing the Yin and Yang of Life

June 05, 2022 21:00 - 19 minutes - 29.8 MB

Life - it flows, surprises, lifts, and drops. And no matter what you do to alter unpleasant circumstances, sometimes you have no choice but to let go and sit in what is happening. Join Carol today as she talks about embracing the balance of Yin and Yang in your life. But is it possible to have a balanced life in an increasingly unpredictable and hostile world? Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: What is the meaning of Yin and Yang? How can you use Yin and Yang in rea...

65 - How to Talk to Your Kids About School Shootings with Child Psychologist Dr. Jackie Vorpahl

May 25, 2022 21:00 - 31 minutes - 59.3 MB

With the recent school shootings, it's important to talk about how this affects both us as parents and how it impacts our children as well. Here's what to expect in the episode: - Understanding narratives from a broader perspective - The importance of being included in a community with good values (and being a part of fostering it!) - Having your kids understand the situation without making it too much - Giving your children space to ask questions and being silent in giving your support...

64 - Carol Perlman - Balancing the Needs for Instant Gratification and Discipline

May 22, 2022 21:00 - 17 minutes - 26.2 MB

Instant gratification can feel good at the moment, but it can often get you into a routine of seeking out short-term fixes for long-term problems. Join Carol today as she discusses why finding the right balance between instant and delayed gratification is essential. You can enjoy the best things in life without overindulging and making decisions that adversely affect your life. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: How do you overcome the need for instant gratification?...

63 - Jean Bradley - Removing Toxins in Your House and the benefits of Essential Oils

May 15, 2022 21:00 - 24 minutes - 35.9 MB

Are you using conventional, store-bought household cleaners? If yes, then you may want to think twice about using them! Join Carol as she speaks with Jean Bradley on what household chemical products you should avoid keeping. Remember that toxic reduction is an excellent and meaningful step that impacts a healthier environment for you and your family! Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: What are the household products you should not use? Why should you be mindful of y...

62 - Carol Perlman - The Miracle Morning

May 08, 2022 21:00 - 22 minutes - 34 MB

Have you ever read a book that later changed your life? Join Carol in today's episode as she replays her thoughts about The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. This book helps you understand that regardless of what time of day represents morning to you, what you do when you wake up is critical for having a successful day. The author claims that the first hour of your day matters - a lot, actually! Stay tuned. Here are the things to expect in the episode: Is The Miracle Morning worth reading? Ho...

61 - Carol Perlman - Different Phases for Different Nutrition and Fitness Goals

May 01, 2022 21:00 - 15 minutes - 24 MB

Are you confused about what you should be eating regarding your health and fitness goals? Trends on how to eat come and go, making diet advice confusing. There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to healthy eating. In this episode, you'll learn the different phases of your health and wellness journey. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: Why should you not always be in weight loss mode? Does your nutrition journey need changes in different stages of life? ...

60 - Gut Health and HOW to Begin Removing Gluten from your Diet

April 11, 2022 09:00 - 46 minutes - 66.2 MB

Join Carol with her guest, Caryn Staebler, Ph.D., as they talk about transitioning to a gluten-free diet. Caryn shares her personal journey to overcoming various health issues by eliminating gluten from her diet and making different food choices. She explains how making a major dietary change IS possible and that eating healthy can also be satisfying and pleasurable. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: The role of food in one’s overall health Why regular consumption ...

59 - Carol Perlman - How to Get Back on Track with your Habits

April 04, 2022 13:00 - 13 minutes - 21.1 MB

Do you feel a little lost and want to know how to get back on track? Life is busy, and sometimes it's easy to fall off track. Occasionally, we all lose our footing, and setbacks can come tumbling down, one after another. There will always be instances when following your routine is impossible, and habit formation hinges on your ability to bounce back. With that said, here are five strategies that you can use to get back on track. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: Wh...

58 - Kelly Tallaksen - Healing our Unhealed Parts with Hypnosis

March 28, 2022 09:00 - 37 minutes - 53.6 MB

Is there evidence that hypnosis can benefit your health? Join Carol as she speaks with Kelly Tallaksen about what hypnosis can do to your body. Allow Kelly to draw your attention to learn to nurture your inner child, validate these needs, express emotions in healthy ways, and increase self-compassion and self-love. It's never too late to heal! Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: How does hypnosis work? What are the surprising benefits of hypnosis? Is hypnosis possib...

57 - Carol Perlman - What Happens When you go ALL in on a Program

March 21, 2022 09:00 - 18 minutes - 27.9 MB

Any steps you take toward eating better and getting more exercise can significantly impact your long-term health. By participating in a nutrition program, you get the extra support you need to make better choices concerning your diet and your lifestyle. Join me today as I will share my experience and the most valuable benefits of joining a nutritional program ALL IN! Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: How do small habits cause significant changes? Does everyone hav...

56 - Michelle Poverman, LMHC, RMP - Tips for Intuitive Healing and Coping with Stress

March 14, 2022 09:00 - 37 minutes - 53.4 MB

Do you know that intuition lives in your body? Intuition whispers and is not just a thought. Join Carol with her guest Michelle Poverman, LMHC, RMP to talk about how intuitive healing works. Allow your intuition to influence your life in every way, and rest assured, it will be a gentle companion you'll come to call on. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: How does energy healing work? What is an empath, and how do you know if you are one? Is it wrong to be an empath?...

56 - Michelle Poverman - Tips for Intuitive Healing and Coping with Stress

March 14, 2022 09:00 - 53.4 MB

Do you know that intuition lives in your body? Intuition whispers and is not just a thought. Join Carol with her guest Michelle Poverman to talk about how intuitive healing works. Allow your intuition to influence your life in every way, and rest assured, it will be a gentle companion you'll come to call on. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: How does energy healing work? What is an empath, and how do you know if you are one? Is it wrong to be an empath? What is R...

55 - Daniela Masters, LICSW - How an Elder Care Advocate Can Provide Support and Guidance

March 07, 2022 10:00 - 38 minutes - 54.3 MB

Caring for older adults can be challenging.  Older adults need care and comfort to lead a healthy life without worries and anxiety. Join Carol as she speaks to Daniela Masters about the importance of elder care services. This episode outlines the most significant challenges that older people face today. How can you support them and enable them to age with dignity? Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: What is it like being a caregiver for an older adult? What is the be...

55 - Daniella Masters, LICSW - How an Elder Care Advocate Can Provide Support and Guidance

March 07, 2022 10:00 - 54.3 MB

Old age is a sensitive phase; older adults need care and comfort to lead a healthy life without worries and anxiety. Join Carol as she speaks to Daniella Masters about the importance of elderly care services. This episode outlines the most significant challenges that older people face today. How can you support them and enable them to age with dignity? Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: What is it like being a caregiver for an older adult? What is the best way to ca...

54 - A Style Program, A Private Facebook Group, and Tales of Transformation

February 28, 2022 10:00 - 46 minutes - 65 MB

Did you know that an instant mood lifter can sometimes be as easy as #JustGetDressed? Bstylist Beth Roy's trademark phrase has come to represent so much more than getting out of the yoga pants rut. Through her unique style program, she has taught women and men to elevate their style and create a simple wardrobe that WORKS effortlessly. What Beth discovered was that her private Facebook group, where women learn and share tips on style, had a much more profound impact on her customers than she...

53 - Lillian Nejad, Ph.D. - Strategies for Managing Anxiety

February 21, 2022 10:00 - 33 minutes - 47.4 MB

Anxiety is a normal and often healthy emotion. However, when a person regularly feels disproportionate anxiety levels, it might become a medical disorder. Join Carol with her guest Dr. Lillian Nejad, to discuss anxiety management strategies. There are things you can do to try to help calm or quiet your anxiety from taking over. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: How can anxiety disorders impact one's life? What is the best way to support someone with anxiety? What ...

52 - Katelin Gates RN - Strategies for Managing Insomnia

February 14, 2022 10:00 - 24 minutes - 35.8 MB

Not getting enough sleep can lead to a greater risk of health conditions. So, how do you get the rest that you need? Join Carol as she speaks to Katelin Gates about the strategies for managing insomnia. Simple lifestyle changes can make a world of difference to your sleep quality. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: What are the 5 best strategies for combating insomnia? What happens when you improve your sleep? How do you make your room a sleep sanctuary? How does ...

51 - Time Management Coaching with Carol and Gayle Goldner

February 07, 2022 10:00 - 36 minutes - 51.2 MB

Do you ever feel like there's not enough time in the day? We all get the same 24 hours – so why do some people seem to achieve more with their time than others? Join Carol as she speaks to Gayle Goldner on improving time-management skills and the powerful tools for individuals to stay highly productive. You, too, can make the most of your time – starting right now! Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: What are the benefits of good time management? How well do you mana...

50 - Suzie Carpenter - How to Help Your Family Make Dietary Changes that Align with Their Needs

January 31, 2022 10:00 - 35 minutes - 49.9 MB

Teaching kids about nutrition and taking care of their bodies is no easy task. But what if your child's mood is dramatically affected by food? Join Carol as she speaks with Suzie Carpenter about how you can teach your child to modify their eating habits and meet their particular needs. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: How did "Savor by Suzie" start? How to teach mindful eating to your kids, and why it's important. Why do parenting styles matter when it comes to k...

50 - Suzy Carpenter - How to Help Your Family Make Dietary Changes that Align with Their Needs

January 31, 2022 10:00 - 49.9 MB

Feeding children can be challenging, and they can be picky eaters or feel too afraid to try new foods. But what if your child's mood is dramatically affected by food? Join Carol as she speaks with Suzy Carpenter about how you can teach your child to modify their eating habits and meet their particular needs. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: How did "Savor by Suzie" start? How to teach mindful eating to your kids, and why it's important. Why do parenting styles ma...

51 - Suzy Carpenter - How to Help Your Family Make Dietary Changes that Align with Their Needs

January 31, 2022 10:00 - 49.9 MB

Feeding children can be challenging, and they can be picky eaters or feel too afraid to try new foods. But what if your child's mood is dramatically affected by food? Join Carol as she speaks with Suzy Carpenter about how you can teach your child to modify their eating habits and meet their particular needs. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: How did "Savor by Suzie" start? How to teach mindful eating to your kids, and why it's important. Why do parenting styles ma...

50 - Gian Carlos Torres - The benefits of Glutathione on Immune Functioning

January 24, 2022 10:00 - 45.5 MB

So many  systems in our bodies are affected by glutathione. Join Carol with her guest Gian Carlos Torres as they talk about how glutathione works in your body.  Please note Dr. Perlman is providing this information for educational purposes only.  Always consult with your doctor for medical advice and before taking any supplement. Here are the things to expect in the episode: What is glutathione and how does it function? What is the science behind glutathione? How can you maintain glutath...

49 - Lynn Lambrecht - Preparing your Documents for Contingencies

January 17, 2022 10:00 - 32 minutes - 45.5 MB

Join Carol with her guest Lynn Lambrecht as they talk about the importance of having a contingency plan and the five main stages of contingency planning. How does a contingency plan take away the burden of dealing with an emergency that may arise at the very last minute? Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: What is a contingency plan? Its purpose and benefits How to create a contingency plan Lynn introduces the planner and how that works What are those things you ha...

48 - Carol Perlman - Creating your 2022 Vision

January 10, 2022 10:00 - 17 minutes - 25.8 MB

If 2021 was a challenging year, then it's time to create a personal vision this year and change your life. So make 2022 the year of goal follow-through by writing your vision and giving you a clear picture of how you want it to go. Join Carol in today's episode as she helps you how to envision your ideal life, and the things you must do to achieve your goals. You don't want to miss this! Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: What is a personal vision, and why is it imp...

47 - Carol Perlman - Review of 2021

January 03, 2022 10:00 - 20 minutes - 29.5 MB

Self-reflection is vital if you want to live your life by design. At the end of each year, you should set aside a block of time to review the year and reflect on it. As 2021 comes to an end,  now it’s time to review how it went. Today, Carol shares the best set of year-end reflection questions that will help you to review how your 2021 went. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: A written vision plan empowers you to construct and clarify your life How do you reflect o...

46 - Carol Perlman - Year End Recap PART 3 Episodes 26-43

December 27, 2021 10:00 - 34 minutes - 47.9 MB

Join Carol Perlman as she wraps up 2021 - looking back at some of the episodes that were most liked and downloaded by listeners, including a few of Carol's favorites. Here is your 2021 rewind list of episode highlights - a truly unforgettable year by any measure! Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: What is your ‘why’? Having sense of purpose is important Essential Oils: Their benefits and how to use them How does a planner help time management Everything you need t...

45 - Carol Perlman - Year End Recap Part 2: Episodes 15-25

December 20, 2021 10:00 - 22 minutes - 32.1 MB

Join Carol Perlman as she recalls some of the wonderful episodes she shared this year.  When it comes to building healthy habits, small decisions add up over time. Perhaps you'll be reminded of some episodes that you want to go back to and listen to them again! Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: How can you make a simple skin routine habit? Hear the stories of several femal entrepreneurs and their tips for succcess Carol's TOP Time Management tip How to organize A...

44 - Carol Perlman - Year End Recap Part 1: Episodes 1-15

December 13, 2021 10:00 - 22 minutes - 31.2 MB

The year is almost over! Join Carol Perlman as she looks back and summarizes previous podcast episodes from this year. She will talk about her philosophieis on HOW to create healthy habits and review the powerful tips we learned from other experts in the health and wellness industry. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: What is the miracle morning about again? Why is it guaranteed to transform your life? What is the lesson you learn from failures that enables you to c...

44 - Carol Perlman - Year End Recap Episodes 1-15

December 13, 2021 10:00 - 31.2 MB

The year is almost over! Join Carol Perlman as she looks back and gathers previous podcast episodes this year. She will talk about her listeners' favorite episodes of the year, the coolest things of 2021, connected with wonderful people, and the values we learned from them! Wrap up episodes for this great year! Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: What are the things to reflect on this year? Life lessons you can learn from meeting new people Revisiting wonderful spea...

43 - Mia and Angela - How an Accountability Partner Can Help You Reach Your Goals

December 06, 2021 10:00 - 43 minutes - 60.1 MB

Just like any other kind of relationship between two people, everyone’s version of an accountability partnership will look a little different. Working with an accountability partner can do amazing things for your success. Join Carol with her guests, Mia, and Angela as they talk about an accountability partner and why you might need one. Start hunting for a partner and get ready to crush those goals! Listen on to find out more! Here are the things to expect in the episode: Why an accountabi...

42 - Carol Perlman - How to Keep Your Alcohol Intake in Check Over the Holidays

November 28, 2021 10:00 - 18 minutes - 25.5 MB

It’s that time of year with plenty of opportunities to drink and drink heavily. It's easy to get carried away with drinking when you're in a celebratory mood, but making mindful choices now is important to maintaining your health — especially when it comes to alcohol consumption. Join Carol today as she helps you on how to sip smarter! Stay tuned! What to expect from the episode: How do you drink less and still have fun? Strategies on how to manage your holiday alcohol intake. How many d...

41 - Carol Perlman - Managing Food Over the Holiday Season

November 22, 2021 10:00 - 20 minutes - 29.3 MB

It is that time of year again! The holidays are approaching fast! But for many people, the holidays can create unwarranted stress around eating. Food temptations are everywhere, and parties disrupt daily routines. What’s more, it all goes on for weeks! Join Carol as she helps you with sticking to your meal plan when everyone around you seems to be splurging. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: How do you stay healthy around the holidays? Some ways to indulge and stay...

40 - Carol Perlman - How to Make the Principles of The Five Love Languages Work for Your Relationships

November 15, 2021 10:00 - 23 minutes - 32.9 MB

Join Carol as she talks about The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman – five ways to express love emotionally. Everyone wants to show their loved ones they care, but do you truly take the time to make sure you're communicating it the way they want to receive it? Expressing your love can sometimes get lost in translation when two people speak different love languages. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: What are The Five Love Languages? Why are relationships important...

39 - Caryn Staebler, Ph.D. Tips for Transitioning to a Gluten Free Diet

November 08, 2021 10:00 - 39 minutes - 54.5 MB

Join Carol with her guest, Caryn Staebler, Ph.D., as they talk about transitioning to a gluten-free diet. Caryn shares her personal journey to overcoming various health issues by eliminating gluten from her diet and making different food choices. She explains how making a major dietary change IS possible and that eating healthy can also be satisfying and pleasurable. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: The role of food to one’s overall health Why regular consumption ...

38 - Alex Bernier - Taking Care of your Feet - The Surprising Foundation to a Fitness Program

November 01, 2021 09:00 - 33 minutes - 46.8 MB

Join Carol with her guest, Alex Bernier, as they talk about the role of feet in one’s overall fitness and health. Alex is a Kinesiologist, Strength Coach, and Posturology Clinician with a mission to help people develop their sovereign fitness through his Online School of Exercise. He shares how some of our body pain issues can be related to the way we walk and even our footwear choice. Sounds interesting? Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: A holistic look to exercise...

37 - Jill Mull - Breast Cancer Awareness Part 4: The Role of Patient Navigators

October 25, 2021 09:00 - 35 minutes - 49.7 MB

What do tough times teach you? There is a silver lining to tough times, and they teach us valuable lessons. Join Carol and her guest Jill Mull as they talk about dealing with an unexpected breast cancer diagnosis at a young age and using this personal hardship to help others. Here are the things to expect in the episode: Jill's opporutnity to make a difference in the lives of others living with breast cancer diagnosis. What do people with cancer wish you knew and what it’s really like. A...

36 - SABRINA Hernandez NUTRITION FOR BREAST CANCER PREVENTION Breast Cancer Awareness Part 3

October 18, 2021 18:30 - 38 minutes - 53 MB

Carol Perlman and Sabrina Hernandez hold a very wonderful discussion in today's episode as they talked about the nutritional strategies for preventing breast cancer. In a literal sense, we all can agree that it's true that "you are what you eat" - it affects your health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally. So, fuel your body with the right foods, and it will reward you for making healthy choices. Are there foods that may help prevent cancer? And what are the risk of poor nutrition? S...

35 - Breast Cancer Awareness Month Part 2: Marilyn Dans PInk Luminous Advocacy

October 11, 2021 09:00 - 29 minutes - 40.5 MB

Join Carol and her guest, Marylin Dans, as they talk about the importance of early detection in breast cancer. Marylin is the founder of the Pink Luminous Advocacy project, a nonprofit that seeks to help people who don’t have access to medical services and education on breast cancer awareness. What do they do? How has this advocacy made a difference in the breast cancer community? Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in this episode: What women go through impacts not just them but the...

34 - Breast Cancer Awareness Month Part 1: Cindy Papalle-Hamontree - Experts in Pink

October 01, 2021 10:40 - 32 minutes - 45 MB

Join Carol and her guest, Cindy Papale-Hammontree, as they talk about what it takes to go through breast cancer. As a 21-year breast cancer survivor, Cindy shares her story and the different coping strategies that helped her and the communities she’s a part of. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in this episode: Advice on what to do when someone you know has breast cancer? Tips that will help you cope better throughout your journey. The importance of self-breast examination. The ...

33 - Debra Cohen, Ed.D.- Nurturing Creativity in Gifted and ALL Kids

September 27, 2021 09:00 - 41 minutes - 56.9 MB

Join Carol with her guest, Debra Cohen, Ed.D, as they talk about how to nurture creativity in kids. Parents ultimately want the best for their children, but sometimes it’s quite challenging to figure out what they need to thrive. Dr. Cohen shares her expertise on how to handle a child’s giftedness and needs. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: ● Exploring the concept and different areas of giftedness ● The challenges and needs of a gifted kid ● How can you help buil...

32 - Carol Perlman - BACK TO SCHOOL ROUTINES - What to do When Your Schedule Changes

September 20, 2021 09:00 - 20 minutes - 28.5 MB

Join Carol as she talks about schedule changes. What do you do when a new school year comes along? When the summer activities end and our kids start going back to school, everything just feels a little different, right? If you don’t have a plan for these changes, you may get overwhelmed, and the stress could contribute significantly to a lot of anxiety. So how do you prevent this from happening? Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: The value of allotting time to plan a...

31 - Carol Perlman - How to Implement Lifestyle Changes Recommended by a Doctor

September 13, 2021 09:00 - 30 minutes - 42.3 MB

Have you ever established a goal for yourself only to fall short of achieving it? You have these big plans and expectations, but they don't reflect what actually happens in real life. Join Carol in today's episode as she gives the best of the best in terms of healthy habits to help you match up your goals with your actual actions. You don't want to miss this! Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: Why you should be clear on your "WHY" Breaking down your lifestyle goals...

30 - Dan Levine from Engaging Minds - How to Support Your Kids Academically as We Head into the New School year

September 06, 2021 09:00 - 33 minutes - 46.3 MB

Join Carol with her guest, Dan Levine from Engaging Minds, as they talk about why we need to teach kids “how to learn.” Dan shares how once struggling students begin to thrive in school when equipped with the right skills in learning - whether remote or face to face. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: Why knowing “how” to learn is as important as “what” to learn What are the skills and strategies needed to achieve a task or goal? Executive function coaching vs. aca...

29 - Lisa Vasile NP Everything You Need to Know About Micronutrients and Supplements

August 30, 2021 08:00 - 50 minutes - 70.5 MB

Join Carol with her guest, Lisa Vasile NP, as she comes back to the podcast to dive deep into micronutrients and supplements. Lisa helps us navigate all the information available online and teaches us what we need to know to advocate for our health. Stay tuned to learn what essential micronutrients are, how you test them properly, and what to consider when it comes to supplements. Here are the things to expect in the episode: The importance of not merely relying on what doctors say and bei...

28 - Carol Perlman Time Management Part 1 - Creating the Habit of Using a Planner

August 23, 2021 08:00 - 20 minutes - 28.8 MB

How many times have you felt overwhelmed by a mountain of tasks and insufficient time to do them? Have you ever felt like you're squandering hours and days without accomplishing anything important? Join Carol in today's episode as she talks about time management and how to create the habit of using a planner. Stay tuned! Here are the things to expect in the episode: ● Selecting the right planner for you. What are the factors to consider? ● The importance of finding the time to do your we...

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