To mark the start of Allergy Awareness Week 2019, I’m joined by allergy blogger and journalist Emma Amoscato, who recently published ‘Living with Allergies’ - a book that the charity Allergy UK has endorsed as “the first comprehensive book ever” on allergies.

As a mum of two children with multiple allergies, Emma couldn’t find a handy guide to help her navigate the medical information and everyday management of allergies, so decided to write one herself. In it, she brings together straight-to-the-point, useful knowledge from leading experts.

Emma is a brave and inspirational mum who blogs at:

FYI: This episode covers issues close to my heart and consequently involves me sharing a few of my own experiences with allergic living.

In this podcast, you’ll hear…

🔹What you can do to help prevent your baby from developing allergies
🔹What to do if you suspect your baby is allergic to something
🔹Advice for managing allergy anxiety
🔹Practical tips for starting nursery or school
🔹Steps for making eating out as safe as possible
🔹Handy advice for travelling
🔹How Emma helps her children to understand their allergies
🔹What led to her baby son’s first anaphylactic reaction
🔹Why you don’t need to be afraid of adrenaline auto-injectors
🔹Insights into taking your children for food challenge tests
🔹Which allergies are more likely to be outgrown
🔹What factors increase your child’s likelihood of outgrowing their allergy
🔹How immunotherapy could help reduce the severity of reactions in some cases
🔹The most common reasons other allergy parents get in touch with Emma

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