Mental strength trainer Amy Morin has a powerful and moving backstory. Her husband and mother both died when she was in her twenties, then another relative was diagnosed with a terminal illness. During her grief, and while working as a psychotherapist, she decided to figure out what made some people mentally tougher than others. After publishing a list online - it went viral - and she later released the bestselling book ’13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do,’ plus two follow-up titles; ’13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do,’ and later ’13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do.’

In this episode, you’ll discover:

🔹Ways to train your brain to make you mentally stronger
🔹A quick fix to stop feeling sorry for yourself when things go wrong
🔹How to handle days when you wake up feeling the opposite of mentally strong
🔹One thing parents should stop doing right now if they want their children to develop mental strength
🔹What to say when your child is really not talented at something
🔹The key things mentally strong women don’t do
🔹Why compliments make you feel uncomfortable and how to get past it
🔹How to tell if you are becoming mentally stronger
🔹The effects of social media on our mental health

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