Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy podcast talks about the one thing you need to know before you open a private practice or clinic - no matter your area of specialty. And that’s scope of practice. Jason provides an overview on where to find the regulations, the role of the Nurse Practice Act, and understanding what you’re accountable for as a business owner. 



Jason talks about the importance of knowing your scope of practice, as well as the scope of practice for your employees.  It’s important to become  knowledgeable on the regulations for your particular license type. Why should you read the Nurse Practice Act and the specific sections that apply to your expertise?  Do you need to know about disciplinary action per your area of expertise? How does the definition of “independence” play a role in your decision to open a private practice or clinic? If you are independent, you may be required to collaborate with a physician via verbal, written, supervising or on site protocols.  Hiring an experienced attorney in the area  of your licensing background is imperative to successfully navigate through the regulations and potential issues.  



You must always know your scope of practice, as well as the scope of practice for the staff you’ll hire.  Hire an attorney to check the regulations, examine scope of practice issues and to seek out  various workarounds, if needed. You don’t have to be a physician to start a private practice.



“The number one thing  you need to know is where to find the regulations for your license type.” - Jason Duprat



Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy for Digital Businesses - https://www.facebook.com/groups/HeathcareEntrepreneurAcademy/


Nurse Practice Act - https://www.ncsbn.org/npa.htm


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