Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy podcast talks to Dr. Tim Raderstorf, DNP, MSN, RN and the first-ever Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) at The Ohio State University College of Nursing and the Founder of The Innovation Studio. Tim talks about creating a better model that involves inter-professional collaboration in order to bring about innovation for healthcare solutions.  



Tim talks about how he entered into the field of nursing, completed his masters and the dove into his healthcare entrepreneurial journey. He expands on his role as a Chief Innovation Officer at OSU. What led him to create The Innovation Studio? What were the resources The Innovation Studio lacked at the beginning compared to now? Tim explains The Innovation Studio’s relationship with The Ohio State University and how the process for intellectual property is created and managed.  To share an example of the amazing projects coming out of the studio, Tim highlights a simple, cost-effective and non-destructive product from a clinical nurse specialist with a napkin drawing.  As an entrepreneur, he shares the key traits individuals need to identify problems, come up with solutions and get ideas developed. Tim talks about his book, “Evidence-Based Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Healthcare - A Practical Guide to Success,” and relates it to the importance of having an entrepreneurial mindset. Tim provides insight and advice for aspiring innovators with a passion for changing people's lives.



It’s important to create a model where people can come and share their knowledge in order to enrich ideas that aim to innovate and elevate healthcare, while providing grants and supervision. Starting out on your own, creating prototypes and making your ideas come to life - this is all within your reach.  There are people who readily acknowledge and understand a problem and they’re humble enough to know they don’t have enough knowledge. Seek advice, listen to other people and have the passion to solve the problem.



“We like to think of the tech personalization pathway as a tornado.” - Dr. Tim Raderstorf


“This is going to change the world but it’s doing it in a very simple way, a very elegant way, and a way that requires very little behaviour modification.” - Dr. Tim Raderstorf



Dr. Tim Raderstorf on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/timraderstorf


The Innovation Studio - https://nursing.osu.edu/offices-and-initiatives/office-innovation-and-strategic-partnerships/innovationstudio


Nurses Everywhere - https://www.nurseseverywhere.com/


Evidence-Based Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Healthcare


A Practical Guide to Success by Dr. Tim Raderstorf on Springerpub - https://www.springerpub.com/evidence-based-leadership-innovation-and-entrepreneurship-in-nursing-and-healthcare-9780826196187.html


Evidence-Based Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Healthcare - A Practical Guide to Success on Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Evidence-Based-Leadership-Innovation-Entrepreneurship-Healthcare/dp/0826196187


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