Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast, shares segments of his strategy call with coach and mentor, John Lee Dumas. They talk about how to grow your business to 7 figures and Jason reflects on what it’s like to have someone who is many steps ahead of you support you with affirmation and focused goals.  


Episode Highlights:

Jason talks about his mentor John Lee Dumas (JLD), the host of the Entrepreneurs on Fire Podcast.  What should you do if you have too many tasks to juggle?  Why should you hire a COO? Jason discusses creating a partnership podcast.   Jason and JLD talk about the importance of a content strategy.  What interviewing advice did JLD give to Jason?


3 Key Points:

Fill a COO position while you have the bandwidth and energy to make it happen.   Top of the funnel, organic leads that come in on their own are the most valuable because they have zero associated costs.   To get a helpful candidate reference, ask the past employer to speak to his/her quality of work for a minimum of a six month period. Share your business goals and ask - what do I need to know about this candidate relative to my goals? 


Tweetable Quotes:

“If you pay bananas, you get monkeys.” – John Lee Dumas “What does an entrepreneur who is making 7 figures in course sales have? They have a COO.” – John Lee Dumas   “A COO will release you to do what only you can do, which is be the content creating machine for your business.”  –- John Lee Dumas   


Resources Mentioned:

JasonDuprat.com Jason Duprat: Linkedin  Facebook John Lee Dumas: Linkedin Entrepreneurs on Fire: eofire.com

#HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entrepreneurs  #EntrepreneursOnFire #johnleedumas #bizstrategy #content strategy #mentor #coach