How do you make a change that sticks?  It’s one thing to temporally change, but how do you make a lasting change? On this weeks health nugget, we’re going to take a look at how to make those changes stick. Join the conversation by following us on Twitter (@FitVeritas) and using #healthtalks with your comments.

In times of rapid change experience could be your worst enemy. How do you make a change that sticks? It's one thing to temporarily change, but how do you make a lasting change on this week's health nugget? We're going to take a look at how to make those changes stick. Let's dive in.


I was listening to a personal power where Tony Robbins explains the keys to lasting change. Robbins studied and compared different approaches to change including NLP, gestalts therapy, rational emotive therapy in various forms of counseling. He concluded that they can all work. They work when your neuro associations change. Robbins wanted to speed up, change and make it last. That's how we found the underlying patterns for long lasting change. So here are the three things. Or three keys to lasting change. Number one is to get leverage. You have to believe that something must change. You need to believe you can change it. You have to believe that it must change now. Number two interrupt the current limiting Association you have to interrupt the pattern or habit when it's happening. The idea is to scribble across the record, so to speak, so it will no longer affect you the same way. For example, when the fear, phobia or force of habit is triggered. That's exactly the right time to interrupt it. And #3 condition yourself to the new empowering Association. For example, you can link laughter to the situation. You need to reinforce the new Association and behavior. The Ah ha part of any breakthrough is the Neuro Association change. It's the new meaning you assigned to something. All change, no matter what it is, is about changing either your perception or your behavior. When you make a new meaning, you change your behavior, or Alternatively, when you change your behavior, you make a new meaning. The conditioning part though is the key


rather than a program you run. Once you condition your success, you don't comb your hair once, brush your teeth once or workout once, and then you're set for life. Instead. You build a habit and you learn to love the conditioning. If you've ever fallen into your old pattern or habit, it's likely you're using your old frame of reference and running your old pattern. Another insight is that the gain has to outweigh the pain. If you're resisting the change, it's because you're still associating more pain to the change than not changing. The challenge is you may not be consciously aware of the underlying reason. Focusing on and being consistent with healthy habits is the absolute best action you can take right now to attain the results you're after and achieve lasting change. Simple yet specific dietary and physical activity habits, like drinking enough water each day, including colorful vegetables on your plates each day, or getting in at least 10,000 steps are all great places to start. You don't have to do them all at once. Either pick one or two healthy habits to work on for a few weeks. Make it so easy at first that you physically can't fail. You'll distract yourself from the constant worrying about the scale and when you focus on these things, lasting and meaningful change will follow. Consistency is found in those small, repetitive conditioning steps that are seemingly unimportant decisions. You make each and every day. Slow it down. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself and make the decisions that allow you to feel your best. Whether that means losing weight, getting stronger, faster, or simply trying to make better dietary choices for yourself each day, your success on this journey will depend on your consistency over the long haul.


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