Rolling out a new phone system can be a daunting undertaking for health centers, especially because it involves call center personnel as well as office managers, medical assistants, and IT staff. During the pandemic, this pivot was especially important to support staff who found themselves shifting to remote work or bouncing between their home and office workstation. West County Health Centers made this leap, switching from traditional phone hardware and a reliance on telecom engineers to internet-based phones and a cloud-based system. Its leaders confirm it was a challenging endeavor, but one that was well worth it in the long run.

Here’s where you can learn more about the people, places, and ideas in this episode: 

Summer Penn, Director of Clinical Informatics at West County  Health CentersDialpad, an all-in-one voice -over-IP (VoIP) cloud-based platform that provides voice calling, messaging, and meetingsTechnology Hub, a CCI program that helps organizations vet, pilot, evaluate, and spread innovative digital health solutions targeting Medicaid markets and historically underinvested communities.

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