Scheduling appointments is one of the biggest challenges facing community health centers. Patients often lose those self-addressed postcard reminders, and manually calling patients to book a recall appointment is a major slog for clinic staff. The flurry of activity around COVID-19 tests and vaccines has only compounded that problem, as patients encounter jammed phone lines and long wait times. But starting in 2021, Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center began piloting an automated patient recall system — one that offers easier, more efficient outreach, as well as the personalized text message nudge patients need.

Here’s where you can learn more about the people, places, and ideas in this episode: 

Caleb Sandford, chief transformation officer at Tiburcio Vasquez Health CenterWELL HealthTechnology Hub, a CCI program that helps organizations vet, pilot, evaluate, and spread innovative digital health solutions targeting Medicaid markets and historically underinvested communities

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