Podcast Show Notes: Healing Journey with Janine Rashidi - Part 2 Episode Title: "Abundance Beyond Trauma: Janine Rashidi's Path to Healing"


Host: Sharon Brubaker Guest: Janine Rashidi Podcast: Healing Starts With the Heart Topic: Continued exploration of Janine Rashidi's healing journey and insights into her work

Key Points Discussed

Janine's Career Shift to Independent Practice: Janine talks about transitioning from working for a chiropractor to establishing her own practice. She emphasizes the importance of autonomy in her healing and counseling journey. Clients’ Trauma and Healing: Janine shares her experiences with clients processing their traumas during sessions. These interactions lead her to seek out more healing modalities for herself and her clients. Writing “Abundance Beyond Trauma”: Janine discusses the inspiration behind writing her book. She emphasizes the importance of overcoming self-doubt and the encouragement she received during the writing process. Learning Ayurveda and Its Impact: Janine's venture into Ayurveda, a traditional Indian healing practice. She recounts how studying Ayurveda contributed significantly to her personal and professional growth. Publication and Success of Her Book: Janine's book achieves bestseller status, validating her efforts and the book's impact. She shares her gratification in receiving messages from readers who were helped by her book. Personal Growth and Realizations: Janine reflects on her marriages and the learning experiences they provided. She talks about breaking the cycle of trauma and setting healthier relationship patterns. Importance of Abundance Mindset in Healing: Janine explains why she chose the theme of 'abundance' for her book. She highlights the significance of having an abundance mindset in overcoming trauma. Janine's Message to Listeners: She offers empowering words to listeners, emphasizing that anything is possible with belief and perseverance.


Where to Find Janine Rashidi: Visit goodbyetension.com. Book Information: “Abundance Beyond Trauma” and its accompanying workbook are available on Amazon. Closing Thoughts: Janine's story and insights provide hope and practical guidance for those navigating their own paths through trauma and healing.