Clancy spent three and a half years calling in her second child.

Swimming in sacred fertile waters, speaking desires into the ethers, dreaming, ritual, ceremony, creating altars, writing letters, journalling, setting intentions, kinesiology, acupuncture, medical intuitive session, not trying, psychics, therapy, family constellations, womb work, chi ne tsang massage, herbs, and vaginal steaming. You name it, she did it. Often with pure hopeful intentions, sometimes tinged with desperation and sometimes with an agenda “that maybe this will be the thing”.

If you have been wanting to conceive a baby, and it’s taking longer that you feel it should, this episode  is for you.

This is Clancy’s second time on this podcast. If you would like to hear the first part of her story, here is a link to Season 1, episode 12 which first aired in March of 2020.

You can follow Clancy on Instagram @womancraftway

Do you have a story you’d like to share on the podcast? I would love to hear from you! Email me via the contact page at

You can find our new e-book, “Did I Really Need a C-Section?” on our website at

Intro / outro music: Dreams by Markvard

Transition music: Flow by Nomyn