Jodi is a postpartum registered nurse and lactation consultant who works at her local hospital. After two very medically managed, in-hospital births, one of her friends shared the concept of freebirth with her, and that there were women choosing a totally different way to walk through their pregnancies and birth their babies. At first, she thought this idea was crazy, but the seed was planted.

By the time Jodi was pregnant with her third, that seed had sprouted, due to the combination of what she was witnessing at work everyday, and listening to free birth and home birth podcasts (yay!). She chose a mostly wild pregnancy that allowed her to deepen her relationship with her intuition, be present with this baby, and cultivate peace.

She birthed that baby at home, completely in her power.

Do you have a story you’d like to share on the podcast? I would love to hear from you! Email me via the contact page at

You can find our new e-book, “Did I Really Need a C-Section?” on our website at

Intro / outro music: Dreams by Markvard

Transition music: Free by KV