Kawena, an indigenous Brazilian, was traveling the world nomadically when she fell in love, and became pregnant. She knew that she would return home to her ancestral land to birth freely on her family’s farm. This is an especially radical act of reclamation in Brazil, where birth has been completely taken over by the medical industrial complex. Not only does Brazil have one of the highest c-section rates in the world, it is illegal there to birth alone.

Kawena roared her baby out at 43 weeks, her powerful voice echoing back to her across the canyon where generations of her family have lived. With her mother and aunt present, she says that this birth experience healed generations of birth trauma for her matrilineal lineage. Kawena also discovered that certain indigenous birth practices, long forgotten in her family, came to her quite naturally.

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Intro / outro music: Dreams by Markvard

Transition music:   Letting Go by Hotham