Brandy was raised on a farm, and witnessed plenty of animal births. But despite seeing first hand that mammalian birth works best when left undisturbed, when she was pregnant herself, she handed over all decision making and authority to an obstetrician, who ultimately convinced her to have an induction, which ended in a c-section. 

She returned to that system again with her second baby and did achieve a VBAC in the hospital, but also experienced medical rape. 

By the time she was pregnant with her third child, she felt confident enough to fire her doctor, and have her baby at home, which she did! 

Her fourth pregnancy offered her an even deeper opportunity to trust herself, when she recognized some red flags with her midwife. 

Brandy is now a holistic doula and birth keeper. You can find her on social media @wildandfreebirthwellness

Brandy’s website:

Brandy’s course: The Labor BluePrint 

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Do you have a birth story you’d like to share on the podcast, or would like to otherwise connect? I love to hear from you! Send me a note at [email protected]

Check out the website for lots of other birth related offerings, and personalized support:

Intro / outro music: Dreams by Markvard

Transition music:   Oceanic Space  by Aryll