We take this time to address the murder of George Floyd and the importance of the Black Lives Matter movement. We share the self-work we are doing to be better allies, and helpful resources for people looking to support the cause:


What Is Optical Allyship? 3 Ways To Be Actively Anti-Racist: https://www.bustle.com/p/what-is-optical-allyship-3-ways-to-be-actively-anti-racist-22956518 
Optical Allyship - by @glowmaven: https://www.instagram.com/p/BiPDZkbFJFY/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 
The Great Unlearn - curated by @rachel.cargle:  https://www.instagram.com/thegreatunlearn/?hl=en
Letters for Black Lives (with list of translations): https://lettersforblacklives.com/ 


Black Lives Matter - Toronto: https://blacklivesmatter.ca/ 
Black Business and Professional Association: https://bbpa.org/ 
Black Health Alliance: http://blackhealthalliance.ca/  
Black Legal Action Centre: https://www.blacklegalactioncentre.ca/ 


@blackowned_to: https://www.instagram.com/blackowned.to/ 
Afrobiz Directory of black owned businesses and black entrepreneurs: https://www.afrobiz.ca/