Blue of Saint Niklass - Vampire Rabbit - Hemlock - Heart - Tale of Rabbit And The Dancing Turkeys

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Today we are going to explore the Blue of Saint Niklass rabbit Breed, the history, The Vampire Rabbit, Hemlock, Heart, and Tale of Rabbit And The Dancing Turkeys.
The history of this beauty is a bit unusual. The Blue of Sint-Niklaas is one of the oldest rabbit breeds in the world. The Blue of Sint-Niklaas breed of rabbit originated in the Flemish city of Sint-Niklaas.  Being bred since the nineteenth century, this rabbit breed is only recognized as being in the “Blue” category.  Blue of Sint-NiklaasBlue of Sint-Niklaas (Dutch:Blauw van Sint-Niklaas) is a Flemish rabbit breed.  It has been bred since the 19th century, near the city of Sint-Niklaas, to supply the local fur-industry, and is thereby one of the oldest fur-rabbit breeds of the world.  The Van Beveren, also a fur-rabbit breed, is family and has been bred in the same region of Flanders, the Waasland.  I covered the Beveren in another episode, which led me to the Blue of Sint-Niklass.
These little blue beauties were a hot commodity when fur trade was still going strong in that area.  Many of these little, beauties lost their lives for their meat and pelts.
Originally, they were identical to the Blue van Beveren and also showed their typical mandolin -shaped physique.  Which rabbit breeds except the van Beveren still were involved in the origin of the breed is not known, the size of the breed suggests that giant rabbits were used for breeding out.  From the van Beveren, the blue of St. Niklaas originally distinguished by the white markings that were required at the beginning of the 20th century in the form of a forehead blaze.  However, since it had not been possible to achieve this badge homozygous, the standard was amended in 1917, that the animals were required color.  The sister race van Beveren has a distinctly different body shape and is slightly darker in color.  
The Blue of Vienna St. Niklaas. was especially bred for fur rabbits and was known for her coat quality.  With the decline of the fur industry, the spread of the Blue of St. Niklaas decreased.  The popularity of the breed decreased with the disappearance of the fur trade in the early 20th century.   After the decrease of pelt-saling and fur-industries in the region (and the world) the breed became almost extinct, as it was not popular as a pet or meat-rabbit.  Only a few European breeders in Belgium and France are left.   There are few breeders left of Blue of Sint-Niklaas bunnies.  The Blue of Sint-Niklaas rabbits are now very rare and possibly close to extinction.
1. Flanders – Flanders is the Dutch-speaking northern portion of Belgium, although there are several overlapping definitions, including ones related to culture, language, politics and history. It is one of the communities, regions and language areas of Belgium. The demonym associated with Flanders is Fleming, while the corresponding adjective is Flemish. In historical contexts, Flanders originally refers to the County of Flanders, which around AD 1000 stretched from the Strait of Dover to the Scheldt estuary. In accordance with late 20th century Belgian state reforms the area was made into two political entities: the "Flemish Community" and the "Flemish Region". These entities were merged, although geographically the Flemish Community, which has a broader cultural mandate, covers Brussels, whereas the Flemish Region does not. Flanders has figured prominently in European history. As a consequence, a very sophisticated culture developed, with impressive achievements in the arts and architecture, rivaling those of northern Italy. Belgium was one of the centres of the 19th century industrial revolution but Flanders was at first overtaken by French-speaking Wallonia. In the second half of the 20th century, however, Flanders' economy modernised rapidly, today Flanders is significantly more wealthy than its southern counterpart. Geographically, Flanders is generally flat, has a small section of coast on the North Sea. Much of Flanders is agriculturally fertile and densely populated, with a population density of almost 500 people per square kilometer. It touches France to the west near the coast, borders the Netherlands to the north and east, Wallonia to the south. The Brussels Capital Region is an enclave within the Flemish Region. It comprises 6.5 million Belgians who consider Dutch to be their mother tongue.
  Flanders – The Sack of Antwerp in 1576, in which about 7,000 people died.
  Flanders – Flag
  Flanders – Winter scene by Sebastian Vrancx, 1622
  Flanders – 1609 map of the county of Flanders

2. Sint-Niklaas – Sint-Niklaas is a Belgian city and municipality located in the Flemish province of East Flanders. The municipality comprises the towns of Belsele, Nieuwkerken-Waas, Sinaai. Sint-Niklaas is the capital and major city of the Waasland region straddling the East Flanders and Antwerp provinces. The city is known for having the largest square in Belgium. At one point this square also boasted the largest easter egg in Europe. Belsele was already mentioned in a 9th-century document. The new parish was to depend until the middle of the 16th century. However, it was part of the County of Flanders. The power of Flanders at that time favoured the economic development of the city, which became the administrative centre of the region in 1241. The city was never walled, which made an easy target for conquest. In 1381, it was engulfed by plundered. However, the central location of Sint-Niklaas between Ghent and Antwerp, far from the Scheldt, favoured further development. By 1513, Emperor Maximilian had granted the right to hold a weekly market. Around 1580, the church of Saint Nicholas suffered heavy damage from roving iconoclasts. The 17th century was generally a period of prosperity, marked by economic growth, mostly in the wool industries.
  Sint-Niklaas – Sint-Niklaas
  Sint-Niklaas – Sint-Niklaas Town Hall
  Sint-Niklaas – Church of Our Lady
Overall Description
Size-They can grow to an average of 10 to 12 pounds (5.4 kg). They are large in size similar to the Flemish Giant breed (which can grow to a whopping 15 pounds).   Stature-The Blue of Sin-Niklaas is a generally “meaty-looking,” plump rabbit. Unlike wild rabbits, this breed tends to have chunky body, head and legs. Wilder rabbits tend to be lean with thinner legs.
The weight of the animals is 4.5-6 kg, with an ideal of 5.5 kg. The body is stocky and cylindrical, viewed from above, the animals should act rectangular. The 14-16 cm long ears are worn V-shaped. The coat color of the breed is a very bright, steady blue. The eyes are blue-gray, the claw horn color. The breed is not allowed in Germany.
ears and eyes
Coat-This rare breed of bunny, as imagined, has a beautiful coat. It is a thick, lush coat that is sometimes a creamy gray or bluish color. It would be hard for any rabbit breeder or bunny fanatic not to be able to identify this breed.
The special color of the coat could be due to a unique mutation. Originally, the (Blue) Van Beveren and St Nicholas Blue were considered the same breed. Now that has changed and these two varieties are kept well apart in terms of shape, size, weight and color.
Since 1917, Blauwe Van Sint Niklaas rabbits have all been the uniform blue-grey uniform color.

Bunnies can make great pets, no matter which breed you pick.  However, before you run right out and grab a new furry buddy, do your research. Many people go out spontaneously (especially around Easter) to get a bunny. Yes, they are beautiful-but they do require upkeep. This upkeep can be time consuming and sometimes expensive. Be sure you are interested in the Blue of Sint-Niklaas because you genuinely want a pet to love and care for. Don’t let the Blue of Sint-Niklaas become part of a collection, a thing, just something you can say you have. Hopefully, you will choose your new, furry companion for the right reasons. He will give you companionship for years to come.

If your Blue of Sint-Niklaas bunny is tame enough, he may be a good cuddler.  The Blue of Sint-Niklaas breed could make great “showbunnies” if you’re into bunny beauty contests.
Blauwe Van Sint Niklaas rabbits are quiet, good-natured and friendly animal that enjoys a spacious hutch.

Rabbits tend to be bred for one of four things: meat, fur, show, or pet use. The St. Nik rabbit is referred to as an “All-Purpose Rabbit” because it fulfills all four of these purposes.  It is a Multi-purpose rabbit, and It is a fine breed for either meat production or for showing, and they should also make for a great pet!  Even though this is a large breed of rabbit, they are gentle and easily handled. This makes them good for pets or show rabbits as well as meat production.

Whether you’re looking for a furry, pal or a show pet, the Blue of Sint-Niklaas is truly grand.  Are you looking for a unique and fuzzy pet? How about an unusual bunny? Blue of Sint-Niklaas is an unusual name for and unusual rabbit breed.

Internationally, only blue varieties are accepted by the standard, in contrary to the Van Beverens, where other varieties are accepted. Also in contrary to the Van Beverens, the weight of the Blue of Sint-Niklaas is much larger, up to 12 lb (5.4 kg) indicating resemblance to the Flemish Giant.
There are few breeders left of Blue of Sint-Niklaas bunnies. The Blue of Sint-Niklaas rabbits are now very rare and possibly close to extinction.  . They are not on the endangered species list YET.
The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) maintains the breed standard for all of the recognized rabbit and cavy breeds for it's international membership.  Recognized breeds are eligible for Registration and Grand Champion recognition.
The AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION, INC. is an organization dedicated to the promotion, development, and improvement of the domestic rabbit and cavy.  With over 30,000 members throughout the United States, Canada, and abroad, its members range from the pet owner with one rabbit or cavy to the breeder or commercial rabbit raiser with several hundred animals.  Each aspect of the rabbit and cavy industry, whether it be for fancy, as a pet, or for commercial value, is encouraged by the organization.
The British Rabbit Council (BRC) is a British showing organization for rabbit breeders. Originally founded as The Beveren Club in 1918, its name first changed to British Fur Rabbit Society and finally to The British Rabbit Society. Today, the BRC among other things investigates rabbit diseases, maintains a catalog of rabbit breeds, and sets rules for about 1,000 rabbit shows annually in the UK. Owners of house rabbits are also encouraged to join the organization to learn how to care optimally for their pets.
“Presented” means that they are there on exhibit for the ARBA committee to see and vote on if they would like to accept the new breed.
Have I Missed Anything? If you know something about the breed standard, history or status of this rabbit, please let me know.   Do You Have a Story About This Particular Breed?  What do you love about them? Do you have any tips or tricks up your sleeve for what might make this breed happiest? Perhaps you're a breeder of this type of rabbit. Let us know, and maybe we can set up an interview?

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With its crazed bulging eyes, huge fangs and claws,
The Vampire Rabbit of Newcastle is a mysterious grotesque that has perched above the ornate rear door of the historic Cathedral Buildings, facing the rear of St Nicholas Cathedral for over a hundred years but no one is quite sure why the blood-sucking lepus was created.
Erected with the rest of the building in 1901, locals tell a tale of grave robbers who were running rampant in the area until one dark night the fanged beastie rose on the door opposite the graveyard as if to scare off future robbers. Less superstitiously, it has also been theorized that the vampire rabbit is in fact a hare whose ears were mistakenly put on backwards. If this were the case the bloody little creature could have been installed to reference Sir George Hare Phipson, a local doctor, Freemason, and friend of the cathedral’s architect. Most basically the rabbit could simply be meant to represent the coming of spring, invoking the same symbolic association that created the Easter Bunny.

While the vampire rabbit of Newcastle was originally the same sandy color of the surrounding stonework, in modern times it has been painted a menacing black with droplets of blood staining its teeth and claws.

If it is a hare, it could have been a quirky reference to a doctor in Newcastle at the time called Sir George Hare Phipson, also founder of Durham Masonic Hall, who was a friend of William H Wood, one of trio of architects behind the Cathedral Buildings adjacent to St Nicholas’.

Wood may have been a freemason himself and hares appear in masonic symbolism. Or maybe the carving was a touch of Mad March Hare humour from the architects; the others being Thomas Oliver and John Leeson who, with Wood, transformed the west side of Dean Street from Mosely Street to The Side during those years.

A decade ago the Vampire Rabbit enjoyed a brief moment in the limelight when it formed part of a light festival.
During a winter Glow event in 2006, the carving was illuminated in pink, making it look even more weird and wonderful, and there were projections of it across the city.

With so little known about the carving, there had been an appeal the previous year for any information about it to be included in an online archive involving Tyne and Wear Archive and Museums and Newcastle University.

But the rabbit, which has had a few licks of paint over the years, including being turned black with its teeth, eyes and claws picked out in red, still retains its air of mystery.

Tale of Rabbit And The Dancing Turkeys
One time while Wild-Cat was out hunting he came upon Rabbit in the tall grass. Rabbit and Wild-Cat were enemies, and so they began to fight. Soon Wild-Cat had Rabbit down and was about to kill him, when Rabbit said: “How would you like some nice Turkeys to eat?” “That is just what I have been looking for,” said Wild-Cat. “Well, I know where there are some, and I was just about to catch some when I met you. Now, if you kill me they will all get away. You had better spare my life until I show you how to catch the Turkeys; then you may do what you please with me.” Wild-Cat agreed, and so Rabbit told him to stand still while he sang the Turkey dance song. After he had sung a little, he told Wild-Cat to lie down and pretend to be dead; that he would tell the Turkeys that he had killed Wild-Cat, and wished them to dance around him with closed eyes. While they danced, Wild-Cat was to jump up and grab all he wanted. Soon the Turkeys heard the song and came to see what it was about. Rabbit told them that he had killed the great turkey-eater, Wild-Cat, and that he wanted them to dance a victory dance around him. Rabbit continued his song, and as he sang the Turkeys danced. Wild-Cat peeped and saw one big one dancing near him. He jumped to get it, and as he grabbed the Turkey, Rabbit ran away through the grass, and so escaped from Wild-Cat.