Alaska Rabbit - News - Rabbit Catches a Duck - Sunflower - Greenhorn

This episode:
Alaska Rabbit; News; Rabbit catches a Duck; Sunflower; Greenhorn
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Today we are going to discuss the Alaska rabbit, some recent news, and we will have another Rabbit folkelore tale. We will also have the plant of the week, as well as the rabbit word of the week.  I would like to thank whoever purchased the items through our Amazon affiliate link on the website.  I cannot see who purchases what, and there is no additional charge for you, but a small portion of your purchase is sent to support the podcast.
Now, the Alaska Rabbit
When I first encountered this breed, I guessed that it had been developed in Alaska, based on the name, but in fact, nothing could be further from the truth.  What is also surprising is that the rabbit named after an American state "Alaska", is currently an unrecognised breed in the United States.
Despite the name, the Alaska rabbit doesn't come from the cold extremities of North America.  They were actually first developed in Germany and descend from Argente and Himalayan rabbits.
We are going to cover the History of the Alaska Rabbit.
The Alaska rabbit was created in 1900 by Max Fischer, of Gotha, and Schmidt, of Langensalza. Their Breeding goal was of obtaining a rabbit that looks like the sought-after Alaskan Fox.  The wanted to develop a rabbit breed that would provide another source of fur which would be profitable in the fur trades of that time.  A breeding programme was established in 1900 where they crossed Havanas, Dutch, Himalayans and Champagne d'Argents.
The goal was to create a long Jet-black coat with long white guard hairs to mimic the coat of the Alaskan Fox whose pelt commanded a high price in those days, believing they would have a good market for their rabbit pelts.  They found the white guard hairs impossible to produce consistently, and as any good rabbit breeder will know, the genetics rarely go according to plan, so instead of getting a the black rabbit with the long silver hairs, the Alaska rabbit turned out to have an intense black colour and long glossy black guard hairs that gave the rabbit a beautiful sheen, and the rabbit became the rich black coated rabbit  that it is today.  
So, they did not achieve their goal, but with the uncommon dense black coat, rich colour shade and unique intensity, they chose to keep the breed they had created and let it remain as it was, rather than keep the breeding process going.   They ended up with the jet black Alaska that is known today.  The first Alaskas were shown in 1907 and rapidly gained recognition across Europe.  The Alaska rabbit was introduced into the UK soon after their development, then became "extinct" until it was re-introduced in the 1970's.  It was known as a ‘Nubian’ in England and was extinct in that country until 1972 when it was reintroduced by Belgium Peter Townson.  By the 1970s, the Alaska had also found its way to Canada by being imported to North America by Bert Reurs of Canada.  It was in the mid-1970's when ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association) had acknowledge the Alaskan breed.
Their recognition in the United States was sadly short-lived, as the even more popular Havana rabbit came along in the 80s and the Alaska was dropped from the ARBA registry.  In 1981, the Black Havana Rabbit, which is similar in colour and build was introduced, and this saw the Alaska fall out of favour and it was subsequently dropped by the ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association) from their list.
The breed has yet to make a comeback in the United States, but there are breeders who are hoping the breed will see a resurgence in popularity.
We are going to now discuss the charactoristics of the Alaska Rabbit.
As we covered before, at some point, the breeders didn't achieve what they intend to create but they were satisfied enough with their different result.  The results of their program did produce the Alaska rabbit which have a completely Jet- black color with a long glossy guard hairs without any mixture of silvering.  The Alaska is instantly recognisable thanks to its striking glossy black fur.
The Alaska Rabbit Fur
I believe that the most stricking characteristic of the Alaska Rabbit is the Jet Black fur.  The fur of the Alaskan is jet black with the base colour a slate blue and the tips a glossy black. There may be an even dispersion of isolated white hairs.  Long guard hairs are also interspersed throughout the coat.  The belly is black but may not be as shiny as the brilliant body coat. The eyes and toenails are a dark brown.  
It is a ‘self’ rabbit and the underside is matt black.  The third gene in the A series is the self gene, which we indicate using the small letter “a”.   Any rabbit that shows a self color has the genotype of “aa,” because it cannot hide agouti or tan pattern under it.  In the show world, “self” means one single color all over, like black, blue, chocolate, and lilac.  When we’re talking genetics, the definition of self is slightly different.  In addition to black, chocolate, blue, and lilac, self colors also include tortoise, Siamese sable, sable point, smoke pearl, and other unrecognized varieties.  Although some genetically self rabbits have some shading, a genetically self rabbit will never have agouti or tan pattern markings.  
Nearer the skin the hairs will be a deep slate colour, turning to a vibrant, shiny black towards the tips. A smattering of white hairs are allowed by the breed standard, but any more than that or any white patches or stripes would not be permitted by the standard.  A self or solid-coloured breed, the Alaska rabbit only comes in one colour - black.  The under-colour of the coat, near the skin, is usually a deep slate blue and turns jet black the closer it gets to the surface.  
Only glossy black fur, any colour other than black is a fault for this breed.  It is considered a ur breed by British Rabbit Council standards, and only comes in its standard, pitch black color. The Alaska Rabbit Club is the BRC's national specialty club for this breed.
The Alaskan rabbit is one of the very few true black rabbits and has a coat that is a jet black colour and dense in thickness.
Alaska Rabbit Description
Although It is not known exactly how they were created, it is believed that it was a crossing of the Havanas, Dutch, Himalayans and Champagne d'Argent rabbits which  resulted in an animal with the silky, thick fur which is the animal’s trademark.  
The Argente is an ancient French breed. They have passed on their erect ear carriage to the Alaskan. They also have very dense, glossy coats like the Alaskan. The Argente has five colours recognised by the British Rabbit Council – Bleu (blue), Brun (brown), Creme (cream), Champagne (silvery) and Noir (black).  They have compact, cobby bodies with short necks and broad, rounded loins.
The Himalayan rabbit has been known by many different names and its origins are uncertain. It has a very docile temperament and is popular as a pet. Generally the Himalayan breeds very true to type. Crossings of the Himalayan  and the Argente resulted in the Alaskan which is popular today as both a pet and a show breed.
The Alaskan rabbit should weigh between 2.7 and 3.9kg (7-9 lb) and is regarded/classed as a medium sized variety.  It is a thick-set rabbit and appears to be without a neck. They have a well-rounded and balanced body with a solid block type and, while not as compact as other breeds, they have good bone development for their size.  The head is broad and carried very close to the body without a distinct neck area.  The head of the doe is generally slightly finer than that of the buck.  Bucks (males) have a little heavier type, while does (females) tend to have more feminine features and are permitted to have a dewlap (a roll of skin at the neck, often giving the appearance that the rabbit's head is resting on a cushion of fur). In show rabbits, a dewlap is allowed providing it is well developed and in proportion to the whole.  The chest is broad and the shoulders and rump well-muscled. The legs are strong and of medium length.  
Ears and Eyes
The ears are upright and quite short, broad and rounded in comparison to other similar breeds. They are quite broad and rounded at the ends.The ears of the Alaskan are a brown-black colour and are held open and straight.
The breed should have dark toenails and dark, bright eyes and should only ever be brown-black eyes to black. The nose and pads of the paws should also be a matt black colour.
Like many other breeds the Alaska is generally docile and makes a great pet or show animal. Rabbits are generally more active in the morning and at night and an Alaska will be fairly active rabbit.  The Alaska rabbit has a well-tempered behavior and are relatively non-aggressive when compared with other rabbits so they make great pets.  Although they have a rather bubbly, outgoing personality, they are gentle, very loving and will love to spend hours at a time with you!
Like any Rabbit, they should be handled carefully only by those who know how to pick rabbits up correctly.  It’s easy to cause spinal problems in rabbits if they are not handled properly.  Plus, if he feels uncomfortable or fearful while being carried he will struggle and may kick out with his very powerful back legs which could cause injury to himself or whoever is holding him.
Although a gentle and quite affectionate breed, the Alaska can be skittish.  Having said that, they relish playtime and have lots of energy, so they will appreciate the company of those who can keep up with them.  
The Alaska is an intelligent rabbit and can be trained to use a litter tray quite easily so if you’re planning on bringing your rabbit to live indoors he should be shown where he can relieve himself.
What is it that makes this breed original?
Why choose an Alaska Rabbit?
⦁    The Alaska is instantly recognisable thanks to its striking glossy black fur.
⦁    The Alaska's original purpose is for its fur, helping to reduce the pressure of trapping Alaskan fox.  You could also tan and utilize the fur.. The fur are its greatest value wherein you can tan and utilize the fur either for personal or business interest.
⦁    The breed makes a very flashy pet, with its intense and shiny black coat and dense silky fur.Pet lovers will surely enjoy their comfy black dense silky fur.
⦁    At 7 - 9 pounds, this rabbit can also double as a meat rabbit or a source of raw homemade pet food.
All rabbits should be vaccinated against myxomatosis and VHD – both of which are potentially fatal conditions that can be spread by infected animals, bedding, utensils or toys.  Annual vaccinations against Viral Haemorrhagic Disease and myxomatosis are recommended.  They should also be treated regularly for fleas, ticks and worms.
Rabbits are most active in the morning and at night.  They are more delicate than is generally believed. The basic diet should consist of unlimited fresh hay (which should not be dusty), fresh fruit and vegetables, good quality dry rabbit mix and clean water. They should be housed in a dry, draft-free area.  If kept in a cage, a plastic or wire base should be covered with a suitable bedding such as straw or wood shavings.  Fine sawdust is not suitable as it can cause eye irritations.  They should have sufficient room to exercise himself.  Keep his environment and food and water containers clean and you will have a contented bunny who should have few health problems.
Dental hygiene is an essential part of rabbit care.  Their teeth grow continuously and will need the correct diet to keep them worn down. Overgrown teeth can cause lots of problems for your Rabbit, including difficulty eating, and injuries in the mouth that can lead to abscesses.  The best way to combat overgrown molars and enamel spurs is to stop them happening in the first place by providing a diet high in good quality hay and lots of fibrous green vegetables such as cabbage and kale. Gnaw toys also help keep teeth in check. If you suspect a dental issue your vet can carry out an examination and any remedial work necessary.
The coat needs a good brush at least once a week, more during periods of  moulting. Additionally, as rabbits’ teeth keep growing throughout their lives, eating the right food will help to keep the teeth properly ground down, but you do need to check, on a frequent basis, that this is happening properly, or your pet may need to have its teeth ground down by the vet.
Your rabbit should never be allowed to get overweight.  Excess weight will prevent your pet from looking after himself properly and if he can’t groom then flies may become attracted to soiled areas of fur.  These flies could lay their eggs in the fur and the emerging larvae will bury into your rabbit’s skin causing great discomfort and even infection.  Flystrike can be prevented by keeping your rabbit’s weight down and making sure his fur and his bedding is clean.
Caring for your Rabbit:
Whether he’s going to be a house or a hutch rabbit, he will need access to a run or a secure area so he can nibble and take in some rays.  Rabbits do love sunbathing, but the should have a shaded area where he can get out of the sun if necessary.
If they are going to be a house rabbit he should be introduced to other pets carefully and while he/she still young enough not to be scared.  they should have a place he can go to get away from it all – a dog crate is ideal for this.  They should be provided with a litter tray too and can be trained to use this relatively easily.  Cables, wires, shoes, clothes, important papers and anything else you treasure should be kept out of the way as they will chew whatever they can get his teeth into.  Even a house Rabbit should have the opportunity  to have a good run and explore in a safe place outside.
If your pet is going to live in a hutch you should consider getting two animals as rabbits live in colonies of many animals in the wild and do not like to live alone.  This medium sized rabbit needs plenty of space to move around and exercise, and a hutch that is large enough for it to stretch to its full height and length in all directions.  The hutch should be water and windproof and a cover should be placed over the mesh front in the harshest weather. Sawdust makes an excellent substrate and can easily be cleaned out once a week.  Droppings should be removed regularly.  the rabbit should have access to clean, fresh water every day and logs, tubes and toys would be welcome additions to his home.  The hutch should have a covered area where he can build a nest and go for a snooze or get out of the weather.
The diet should be carefully planned to help him stay fit and healthy and should consist of good hay, high-quality rabbit pellets and lots of green leaves and vegetables such as cabbage, dandelions and nettles.  Feed a standard rabbit diet to ensure good digestion, avoid obesity and give proper wear on the rabbit’s continually growing teeth.
Notes of safety:
Please note that, despite their ‘cute’ appearance,  rabbits are not ideal for very small children to handle unless they are closely supervised. Rabbits should be socialised at an early age and young children should be told how to hold a rabbit properly. If any rabbit becomes frightened, its natural reaction is to try and escape, and its powerful back legs can injure the human handler and can cause the rabbit to be dropped and injure itself.
As with all pedigree pets, it is very important to obtain a young rabbit or rabbit kit from a reputable source where you can be guaranteed that it has been bred with a view to avoiding any inherent problems found in the breed.
Always keep your rabbits safe from dogs and cats who may harm them.  Even where pets ‘get on’, they should be supervised when together and you must ensure that your rabbit is not stressed by being exposed to other family pets or people.
Health issues in the Alaska rabbit
The Alaska rabbit is a generally healthy breed of rabbit. As with all rabbits, however, check that its bottom is clean of any debris and is kept dry to avoid the danger of flystrike.
Teeth and also toe nails should be checked frequently to ensure they are not growing too long.
Average lifespan of the Alaska rabbit.
7 – 10 years and sometimes more.
Alaska rabbits are non aggressive so would be fine with younger pet lovers who are gentle. This breed is both outgoing and affectionate, soit will be rewarding to interact with.
 Nevertheless, these are beautiful, vibrantly colored rabbits, bright-eyed, substantial, and densely furred.
This is a multi-use breed.  It is mostly a dual purpose rabbit, mainly kept for its fur and meat, although they should also make for a great pet!
Intersting Facts!
⦁    There was also a white Alaska however it is now extinct.
⦁    Interestingly, probably because of the thick, dense coat, the Alaska was used in the creation of the Black Rex.
Club Recognition?
It is recognised by the British Rabbit Council; however it is not recognised by the American Rabbit Breeders Association.
Today, The British Rabbit Council continues to raise the profile and status of rabbit breeding. As new breeds were developed during the 1920's, they were standardised and adopted by The Beveren Club until the society had become a general fur breed club. To recognise its new status, it had two name changes, first to the British Fur Rabbit Society and then later to the to The British Rabbit Society. By 1928 the Society had 13 different fur breeds under its jurisdiction.  Today, The British Rabbit Council encourages research into diseases and other topical issues. As the role of the rabbit has developed into a popular pet, the British Rabbit Council actively encourages good rabbit keeping amongst pet owners. The Newark Head Office receives many hundreds of letters or calls each month asking for advice or information on an extremely wide variety of topics concerned with the rabbit. These are not confined to individual people but are sometimes from official bodies, Governments or overseas.  Each year approximately 1000 shows take place throughout Great Britain! Today sees a structure of District Advisors who give their time to help people in their regions. These are well respected members of great experience appointed by the Council to give advice locally. At shows, awards are available from the Council. The basis of these is the Challenge Certificate which is awarded to the best rabbit of its particular group.
Breed Status
The BRC (British Rabbit Council) had classified the Alaska breed for fur production.  This was due to their jet black dense, silky and lustrous fur. The fur are also glossy and intensely pigmented.
In the United States, ARBA no longer recognize this type of breed which means that they can go extinct.  With your help, you can change the future of the Alaskan rabbit breeds by raising them. This will maintain their number that ARBA might consider them on their list once again.   ARBA still does not recognize this breed. Maybe YOU could help change this by raising them and spurring interest in the breed.) Rabbits with such dense and lustrous coats usually tend to win more often than seems fair!


European rabbits landed in Australia with the First Fleet in 1788. Since then they have multiplied, as the saying goes, and are estimated to cost the nation more than $200 million-a-year in lost agricultural production – not to mention the damage to native species growth, regeneration and biodiversity.
The various state primary industry departments hope the new K5 virus strain, a variant of the existing RHDV1 virus released into the environment in 1996, will be more effective as a wild rabbit killer, particularly in cooler climates and among young rabbits, known as kittens.The virus will be released at more than 150 sites in Victoria and owners of pet rabbits, commercial rabbits and rabbit breeders are urged to vaccinate their animals in preparation. "The current calicivirus vaccine, administered by vets, is expected to provide good protection of pet rabbits against all strains of the RHDV1 virus, including the RHDV1 K5 strain," says Victoria's Acting Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Cameron Bell.

Other protective measures include: ensuring pet rabbits do not come into contact with wild rabbits, or grass that has been grazed on by wild rabbits; insect-proofing hutches (the virus can be transmitted by fleas, mosquitoes and flies); and disposing of any virus-affected carcasses properly and hygienically.

Rabbit on Ahmedabad airport runway almost makes IndiGo, SpiceJet planes collide
The pilot of IndiGo flight reported that there was a rabbit on the runway after which he pulled the brakes hard averting a lethal accident.
Airport sources told IndiaToday, a major accident which could have claimed lives of many was averted yesterday between two airlines, namely IndiGo and SpiceJet, on Ahemedabad airport runway.
After landing the Indigo aircraft, it was moving towards taxiway and the SpiceJet aircraft was ready for take off.
Sources inform that the SpiceJet pilot at this juncture saw the IndiGo flight was still on the runway whereas it was supposed to be off the runway by then.
ATC Ahmedabad had to intervene. The pilot of IndiGo airlines reported that a rabbit on the runway was spotted just after landing at Ahmedabad airport, due to which the pilot was forced to pull the brakes hard to halt the aircraft.
As the IndiGo pilot stopped the aircraft, the nose of the aircraft was still on taxiway and tail of aircraft still on the runway.
While SpiceJet pilots maintain in their report that the IndiGo aircraft wasn't cleared off the runway when SpiceJet was ready to take off.
Both the pilots reported ATC about the incident.

‘Never Again’ Marks 75th Anniversary of JA Incarceration
“Never Again,” a series of speakers, films, and exhibits to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II, kicked off at Occidental College on Feb. 12.

That’s one week shy of the Feb. 19 anniversary of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s signing of Executive Order 9066 in 1942, which led to the incarceration of more than 120,000 Japanese Americans – more than two-thirds of them U.S. citizens – in 10 hastily constructed camps in California and six other states.

“What happened to people of Japanese ancestry in our country 75 years ago remains relevant today,” says Julie Kimiko Santos, associate director of international programs at Occidental and series organizer. “Now more than ever it is important to know how and why this tragedy occurred, and the many lessons to be learned.”

Bay Area filmmaker Emiko Omori began the series Feb. 12 with a screening of her short film “When Rabbit Left the Moon,” inspired by her own family’s incarceration in Arizona. Omori, who was a toddler when her family was forcibly relocated to Poston, and her older sister Chizu Omori answered questions after the screening.

The Vaults at Waterloo - Alice's Adventures Underground
Alice’s Adventures Underground – the immersive theatre experience which is returning to The Vaults at Waterloo this April!
Audiences will tumble down the rabbit hole and interact with the magical and bizarre characters of Wonderland as they hunt for missing Alice. Audiences choose their own adventure, creating a unique experience with every visit. Meet the White Rabbit, enjoy tea with the Mad Hatter and finish the evening with a cocktail in the Wonderland Bar!

The show is unlike anything else in London at the moment and requires a tremendous amount of detail to ensure each audience member is seamlessly immersed in the world of Wonderland. As I’m sure you can imagine, creating Wonderland in the 11 tunnels beneath Waterloo Station is no mean feat either and requires 33 detailed sets, over 65,000 jam tarts and almost 100,000 playing cards!

The Wonderland Bar, which is open to visitors to the show and to those just wanting to transport themselves to another world after work, is set to include some bespoke Alice themed cocktails and some delicious food as well.
Tale of 2 Rabbit Hashes: Northside brewery reconsiders name after backlash
A brewery in Cincinnati is changing its name before its doors even open after a social media feud boiled over.
When Paul Kemp and his father decided to switch from home brewing to opening a true brick and mortar shop, they chose Cincinnati as the location because the environment is more welcoming, Kemp said. When they chose a name, they picked Rabbit Hash, as an homage to the small Boone County, Kentucky town.

Rabbit Hash Brewery filed as a limited liability corporation in April 2015. In December 2015 it applied for the trademark for Rabbit Hash Brewery and its logo.

The rub? The brewers never talked to the Rabbit Hash Historical Society.

The Kemps, who live near Hebron, just miles from Rabbit Hash and are business owners in Burlington, never guessed what would happen when Cincinnati's Northside neighborhood residents got wind of the "misappropriated" brewery name.

The brewery is holding a contest to rename the brewey...

An anonymous donor has dug deep to help veterinary professionals enhance their rabbit skills by covering the costs of CPD courses aimed at understanding the species’ ailments and treatments.   
Retired vet Frances Harcourt-Brown, who runs a range of rabbit-related CPD courses in Yorkshire, contacted to speak of her delight at learning a “very generous lady” – known only as Mrs X – had provided the funds to enable practitioners to attend a number of sessions.

The creative flair of Teesside chef Michael O’Hare is now on show in Manchester - at an eatery owned by two Manchester United legends.
The Eston-born Michelin star chef is the creative director at new ‘space age Asian’ restaurant, The Rabbit in the Moon.
Owned by GG Hospitality - a company owned by Ryan Giggs and Gary Neville - the eatery is located on the fifth and sixth floors of the National Football Museum in Manchester’s city centre Urbis building.
Among the eclectic dishes on offer are Wagyu truffle nigiri, edible plum stone, duck liver satay, sticky halibut ribs and a Chinese bacon butty.
 Dogs, people and at least one rabbit strut through Soulard for the annual pet parade

    By Tim O’Neil St. Louis Post-Dispatch Feb 19, 2017 (0)
Several thousand dog owners dressed up their pooches in Mardi Gras attire for the 24th annual Beggin’ Pet Parade Sunday in the Soulard neighborhood, where excuses for a street party come easy. Lovers of dogs, sunshine and anything Mardi Gras lined the streets five to 10 deep to watch people stroll with dogs in zany costumes.warmup to next Saturday’s big Mardi Gras parade, many of the people present Sunday showed up in their Carnival finest. Marchers tossed beads into the crowds of grasping onlookers.Tracie Quackenbush, director of the Open Door Sanctuary in House Springs, said she was optimistic that Sunday’s turnout would beat the record $20,000 raised by the pet parade two years ago. It has supported the sanctuary since 1994, when the event began with perhaps 300 dogs and was known as the Mystic Krewe of Barkus. As the parade caught on, Purina became sponsor to promote its Beggin’ line of dog snacks.

The parade is open to all pets, but dogs rule overwhelmingly. There was hardly a cat in sight. A solitary rabbit rode in a cage on a children’s wagon. Stella Palmer, 12, of Crestwood, brought her pet hen, Speckle, which perched calmly on a milk crate as Stella watched the parade go by on Russell Boulevard. Stella brought her for a simple reason: “I don’t have a dog.”
Dick Bruna, 'spiritual father' of rabbit Miffy, dies at 89
Dick Bruna, the Dutch "spiritual father" of Miffy, the white rabbit who enchanted millions of young children around the world for more than half a century, has died at age 89, his publisher announced Friday.
    Bruna "passed away peacefully in his sleep" Thursday night in the central Dutch city of Utrecht, Kerkhof said.

The simplicity of Bruna's characters drew adoration not only from children, but also from adult art lovers. Amsterdam's venerable Rijksmuseum put on a show featuring his work in 2015.

He wrote and illustrated a total of 124 books, but Miffy, known in the Netherlands as Nijntje, a contraction of the Dutch word for rabbit, was far and away his most popular and best known character.
Bruna created 32 books about the rabbit, which were translated into more than 50 languages and sold more than 85 million copies, Kerkhof said. The man his publisher described as Miffy's "spiritual father" stopped drawing in 2011.
Miffy, who turns 62 this year, is a merchandising juggernaut, featuring on stationery, toys and children's trinkets sold across the world as part of a multimillion-euro (dollar) business.
Agri-business getting youth attention
By: Emmanuel Ntirenganya
    Published: February 18, 2017

Rwanda’s agriculture and livestock sector has long been characterised by an ageing farming population whose average age is 55 years. As a result, innovation, creativity and technology adaptation as well as skills transfer has been slow, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) and agricultural experts.

But lately, some youth have embraced the sector and committed to making it more vibrant in its entire supply chain.

The Rwanda Youth in Agribusiness Forum was formed in May 2016 to bring together young people engaged in commercial farming in the country.

Unlike traditional farming, these youths’ focus is commercial farming.

Currently, the organisation has 1,265 members grouped into five clusters namely crop production, livestock production, agro-processing (animal and crops), other agro-services which include packaging, inputs, extension services, mechanissation, among others, and information communication technologies (ICTs) for agriculture.

Eric Manirakiza, a rabbit farmer, founded Impano Rabbitry Company. The 26-year-old is a 2014 graduate in ICT programming at the University of Rwanda’s College of Science and Technology.

He told Saturday Times on Monday that he started with 100 rabbits in October 2016, and his colony has already grown to about 600 with modern rabbit farming involving proper record-keeping on the rabbitry population and ensuring hygiene and sustainable productivity.

The rabbitry has an average birth of 200 rabbits per month.
Manirakiza at his rabbitry in Ruhango District.

Manirakiza’s farm has 80 female rabbits divided into two units of 40 each, he said.

An adult rabbit at his farm gives birth to at least five baby rabbits, he said, and its gestation period (conception to birth delivery) is 30 days. It also breastfeeds its off-springs for 30 days after which the off-springs are weaned and the mother rabbit made to mate again.

The rabbits are sheltered in plastic-covered metallic sheds which let their liquid and solid waste out freely, leaving them well aerated.

After paying farm costs and salaries for his 11 employees, he earns about Rwf700,000 per month from his business. Manirakiza said that his rabbits typically weigh about five kilogrammes at five months and are sold at Rwf8,000 each. Rabbit meat costs Rwf3,000 a kilogramme at the local market and about Rwf6,000 per kg when exported, he said.

His farm, located in Ruhango Sector of Ruhango District in Southern Province, was one hectare at inception but has since grown to five hectares so he can grow enough grass to feed the rabbits.

Manirakiza said that his rabbitry has an ICT system which helps him keep records for his livestock and analyses the database looking at things like when should the rabbits give birth, when should the young ones mate.

“It’s like a calendar alert application in a telephone. We enter data into it and it gives us notification, for instance, when there are two days remaining for the rabbits to mate,” he said.

His priority is good rabbit hygiene, because he wants to begin selling rabbits to restaurants soon. Hotels in Rwanda are currently reluctant to put rabbit on their menus because there is an unreliable supply of the meat and it is sometimes unhygienic, he said.

Once he starts to get 1,300 kg a month, he will begin selling to hotels, he said. Consumers in Belgium and South Africa have asked him to supply 2 to 15 tonnes of meat per week, but his current production falls far short of such demand.

“Rabbit meat is healthy; it is high in protein and very low in fat, almost zero. In countries like Kenya, rabbits are on high demand,” he said, adding that he wants to work with other youth to help meet the demand and create more jobs.

Manirakiza also plans to make manure compost from the liquid waste generated from his farm, currently, they produce about 10 jerry cans (about 200 litres) of liquid waste per day and trials have shown that such manure has very high soil fertilising properties, he said.
I will tell you of how The Rabbit Goes Duck Hunting from the Cherokee People.
The Rabbit Goes Duck Hunting

    The Rabbit was so boastful that he would claim to do what- ever he saw anyone else do, and so tricky that he could usually make the other animals believe it all. Once he pretended that he could swim in the water and eat fish just as the Otter did, and when the others told him to prove it he fixed up a plan so that the Otter himself was deceived.

    Soon afterward they met again and the Otter said, "I eat ducks sometimes." Said the Rabbit, "Well, I eat ducks too." The Otter challenged him to try it; so they went up along the river until they saw several ducks in the water and managed to get near without being seen. The Rabbit told the Otter to go first. The Otter never hesitated, but dived from the bank and swam under water until he reached the ducks, when he pulled one down without being noticed by the others, and came back in the same way.

    While the Otter had been under the water the Rabbit had peeled some bark from a sapling and made himself a noose. "Now," he said, "Just watch me;" and he dived in and swam a little way under the water until he was nearly choking and had to come up to the top to breathe. He went under again and came up again a little nearer to the ducks. He took another breath and dived under, and this time he came up among the ducks and threw the noose over the head of one and caught it. The duck struggled hard and finally spread its wings and flew up from the water with the Rabbit hanging on to the noose.

    It flew on and on until at last the Rabbit could not hold on any longer, but had to let go and drop. As it happened, he fell into a tall, hollow sycamore stump without any hole at the bottom to get out from and there he stayed until he was so hungry that he had to eat his own fur, as the rabbit does ever since when he is starving. After several days, when he was very weak with hunger, he heard children playing outside around the trees. He began to sing:

    Cut a door and look at me;
    I'm the prettiest thing you ever did see.

    The children ran home and told their father, who came and began to cut a hole in the tree. As he chopped away the Rabbit inside kept singing, "Cut it larger, so you can see me better; I"m so pretty." They made the hole larger, and then the Rabbit told them to stand back so that they could take a good look as he came out. They stood away back, and the Rabbit watched his chance and jumped out and got away.
