You've probably heard of bucket lists, the things you want to do before you kick the bucket. But did you know there's an opposite concept called the fucket list? It's basically all the stuff you're cool with never doing – or never doing again – in your life. And though it's important to know what you want, I think it's also really clutch to know what you don't want.

In this episode, I'm exploring the idea about what a fucket list is and why you might want to make your own. I'm also talking about why, though new years is a time for resolutions, I make my fresh start in another way. And, I'm sharing you a few of my favorites from my own personal fucket list. 

Remember to find the show notes and other episodes on

On this episode:

Why new year is a time for resolutions What I do instead to give myself a fresh start What a fucket list is How to make your own fucket list Some of the things on my own personal fucket list

Resources from this episode:

The Fucket List blog post Episode 124: Boundaries Episode 144: Goodbye FOMO, Hello JOMO Join the Harder to Kill Club on Facebook

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