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Sometimes you need to pull back the curtain on success and reveal the winding road it took to get to where you are today. Today’s guest, Jessica Honegger, is doing exactly that, and showing us all what it’s like to get comfortable outside of your comfort zone.

About Jessica Honeggar

Jessica is the founder of Noonday Collection, a socially conscious fashion brand, a hilarious podcast host, author, and inspiring entrepreneur. She is an advocate for talking to yourself with self-compassion, trusting yourself more than the numbers on the scale, and owning your own voice. If you are looking for tips on being more intentional in your decisions, spending your willpower energy on saying no to vices, and becoming a solution to the problems you see, Jessica is your girl.

By accepting that life is a journey, and knowing when to pull yourself back to center if you go off the rails, you can handle stress with grace and create your own definition of success. By finding the courage to show up even when you are scared you will realize that you have the power to create the kind of space you want for yourself.

A shot of inspiration, Jessica is a steward of finding your own way of doing things while taking care of yourself and letting go of perfection.

When did you last find courage even when you were scared? Let us know in the comments on the episode page!

On Today's Episode Surrendering yourself to find an equilibrium How to deal with a crazy and inconsistent schedule Talking to yourself with a voice of compassion instead of punishment Why your success is not based on the number you see on the scale Stepping into your story and creating a compassionate space for yourself and others Quotes

“I know what its like to battle anxiety and wonder what problems the next day is going to hold, and right now I feel a lot of spaciousness, and I am so grateful for that” (7:33)

“I’m here, I’m moving my body, I’m being good to it. And I try to really notice the voice, the tone in which I am speaking to myself” (18:29)

“I am going to be in this body and in this mind for the rest of my life, so I might as well really love the voice that I am speaking to myself in” (21:34)

“We let perfectionism paralyze us, we let imposter syndrome hold us back, and we think that courage means that we have our shit together. And what courage means is that we are scared and we just go anyway” (35:12)

“So much of life, I think to keep us from paralysis we have to embrace paradox. Because that really is what life is” (45:50)

Resources Mentioned In This Show 

Going Scared Podcast

Going Scared Episode 43: Steph Gaudreau

Imperfect Courage Book

Follow Jessica on Instagram

Noonday Collection

Jessica’s Website

Courage Quiz

Check out the full show notes here!

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