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Hannah Rettler ditched her job in Public Health to follow her passion of helping others find what sets their soul on fire. An enthusiastic, optimistic and always present force, Hannah is inspired by helping people become their most soul buzz-worthy selves.

About Hannah Rettler

By having the courage to surrender what your intuition is moving you towards, you can continue to try new things and have faith that you will be okay. Learning to slow down and listen to your inner nudges and gut intuition can help get outside of your comfort zone, which is the beginning of new doors opening for you.  

Although it can take a lot of little steps to move towards progress, approaching new things from a perspective of experimentation will open up your life. Sharing all aspects of her healing journey, including fitness, body dysmorphia, and gut intuition, Hannah is an inspiring voice that shares a story many of us are familiar with.

Our most authentic selves are on the other side of what we are scared of. It is time to get close to your fears to feel present and start showing up.

Do you feel a kinship to Hannah’s message? Let us know how you celebrate what you bring to the world in the comments on the episode page!

On Today's Episode Leaning into your inner nudge and taking the leap of faith Building and understanding what your mission is Taking the time to recognize your accomplishments Letting go of what others think about your decisions Finding your total body soul buzz Quotes

“You have done so much. Let's take a second and actually reflect on what you have done and what you have accomplished. And just giving yourself that space and a little bit of time to celebrate yourself is so important” (6:21)

“A lot of my message is, to have you actually really listen and honour when you are getting those really strong taps and inner pulls that it's like ‘this is the time’ and just trusting that that is not on accident.” (16:11)

“It wasn't like I immediately switched over to this mindset of like ‘ya just follow your heart and everything is gonna be fine’, I had to build up confidence and trust in myself that I was gonna be fine no matter what happened.” (21:30)

“I fully, fully, fully, believe we all have our own path, we all have some sort of internal guidance system that if we just keep following that, it's going to lead us to what we are meant to be doing.” (22:28)

“Every time you keep doing something, you are more competent doing it and then it builds confidence over time. And so it's just like this nice beautiful cycle of building up that confidence and resiliency and knowing that you can do it. And rewriting any stories telling you can not.” (37:30)

Resources Mentioned In This Show 

Neghar Fonooni Lean and Lovely Program

The 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

HTK 089: Dr. Lara Briden

Sexy Selfish Podcast w/ Hannah Rettler

Hannah’s Website

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Harder to Kill Facebook Club


Check out the full show notes here!

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