Happy New Year Everyone!  Welcome 2021 :)

I chose to air this episode on January 1st very intentionally.  Because the message of this episode is LOVE.

My friend Alison Miller is here to talk about her Hard Beautiful Journey and every time I hear her tell it, I am in awe of her spirit.  I met Alison in the Made To Do This business group I was part of and was DRAWN to her by some unexplained force - you will find out what that ended up being in this episode, and it's so incredibly beautiful.

I am warning you now, go get a warm, cozy blanket, your favorite beverage and a box of Kleenex may come in handy as well!


This quote sums up this interview to a tee:

"My love for you is a Journey;  Starting at Forever and Ending at Never."


Alison's Website

Trailer - Odessey Of Love In Pink Loveumentary

Show sponsor:
Website - Simply Counselling Services
Instagram - Simply Counselling Services
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