Have you ever laughed so hard you think you might have peed yourself a little bit…..or a lot? 

Well my guest today made me laugh during a very stressful time and I think those are the times when laughing are the most NEEDED, most appreciated and most therapeutic.  When I started this podcast I said if you can laugh at least ONCE in your day your day will be better than if you didn’t laugh.

Jenny B is here and I am pumped.  Jenny is a speaker, a host,  annnnd a standout entertainer.  She has also been a world traveller, actor, radio host, christian, and something so amazing as well ….and advocate for youth at risk. 

She is on a continual journey of finding herself and living her purpose has come in waves….waves of beautiful self-discovery.  Waves of disappointment, confusion, bliss, excitement, challenge - beautiful things and hard things….


Make sure and check out Jenny's YouTube Channel to see the acts she performed for us at Rise Lake Louise!

Jenny's YouTube Channel

Jenny's Instagram

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Instagram - Simply Counselling Services
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