For today’s episode, I have with me Mary Katherine Stahl who is the Fit Body Boot Camp's franchise owner and community manager. She encourages others to be their best selves by sharing her love of health and fitness. Today she is not only passionate about helping her clients but also about providing her team with opportunities to grow. MK gives a lot of credit to accomplishment in creating a sense of community and culture inside her company. She thinks the secret to running a great business and maintaining healthy relationships is team. She will now share her journey and how she got to the place she is now. Learn a lot from this episode and enjoy!

“If you could allow yourself to get to that emotional state where you're so proud of yourself, and you love yourself and you're so full of gratitude for all the work that you're about to do. You can get your mind there first. Allow yourself to feel it before you even are there and you will easier move yourself to that to that goal.”


The importance of making time for intentional movement

Giving advice for people who are new to fitness

Tips for working out and fertility


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