In traditional Buddhist or Hindu tantric traditions the Fourth Chakra is called the Anahata Chakra. Anahata means "unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten". As the translation suggests, Anahata is associated with balance, calmness, and serenity. The Fourth Chakra is also sometimes labeled the Air Chakra: the foundation of your life giving breath, lungs, heart (oxygen), and your sense of spaciousness. It is even credited with hormone production and playing an important role in the regulation of the immune system. The heart carries a special significance in cultures and spiritual traditions throughout the world. Your Heart Chakra is located in the center of your chest towards your spine, behind your sternum. Blockage of this chakra will manifest in your life as dysfunction in your relationships with others (think codependency, marital or friendship difficulties, jealousy, neediness or withdrawal, loneliness, etc.). Relatedly, it is said to govern the love of oneself and others, as well as the important sensibilities of compassion, forgiveness, grief, and wisdom.

How can you imagine what the Heart Chakra is like? One way that humans perceive and talk about physical energy is through the form of energy we call light. Thanks to the principle of "as above, so below" we can use a similar framework when talking about the parts of your energetic body. When a prism splits a ray of light you see the familiar spread of colors: the fast, tight bandwidth of violet on the top of the rainbow stack, followed by indigo and then blue, green and yellow and then finally down on the very bottom, orange light fading into the slow, wide band wavelengths of the color red. Your energetic body is like this rainbow of light. In this way of visualizing your energetic body, the heart chakra lies at the center of this light body just as green lies in the center of the rainbow. The root, naval, and solar plexus chakras lie below your heart chakra and correspond to the red, orange and yellow colors of the rainbow spectrum. Your throat, third eye and crown chakra lie above it and correspond to blue, indigo and violet or white light.

From the perspective of the human brain, something strange happens in the center of the light spectrum. And the same goes with your energetic body. The heart chakra is the gateway between the higher and lower self, i.e. the physical world most of us experience as all there is and the spiritual dimensions that lie above. Thanks to this special positioning, the heart chakra not only bears the color green in typical understandings and visualizations of your energetic body, but it also can be described as pink. Strangely enough, pink doesn’t exist as a color in the light spectrum; that is to say it doesn’t have a frequency like the other colors or appear in a rainbow. Pink is the mixture of the Red light dominance of your first chakras and the white light dominance of your crown chakra. The center reflects the mixing of the two ends. The energetic realm is difficult to comprehend and doesn't precisely correspond with the physical form of light but using rainbow colors helps visualize our energetic bodies For example, the way that there is not top or bottom or middle or higher or lower when it comes to light helps you not get stuck on dimensionality of our energetic body. The radical and confusing nature of this truth pops out in this strange combination of green and pink in the fourth chakra. Let’s call pink green’s secret twin. You can play with these features of your heart chakra in this guided meditation.

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