Everyone has heard the phrase "follow your heart". But what does that mean? And where does it come from? It turns out that regardless of place or time, all the major spiritual traditions have this same metaphor of the heart as the point of connection with God or the higher self. In the Hindu and Buddhist tantric traditions this heart-bridge is called the Anahata or Fourth Chakra. In the Koran the heart or Qalb is referred to over 100 times and in the Bible, heart or Lebab, is mentioned over 1000 times and is also seen as the seat of intuition or the throne of God. It clearly isn't the physical heart that is being referenced. So what are they talking about? Each of these great traditions recognized that if we want to get in touch with our higher self the best place to turn is the energetic bridge to that connects our higher and lower selves: our heart. But to do that you can't just read about it. You have to silence your emotions and still your thoughts long enough to hear your heart’s wisdom. it will speak to you if you are still enough and patient enough--and courageous enough to hear what it has to say (which is often not what you want or expect). You have to let go of needing to be right or wanting to be heard or needing to control situations or expecting your version of justice to prevail. Slowing down and handing over your decisions to the wisdom of your heart will unlock your best life. But you have to let go and trust in its wisdom. This is not easy. This guided meditation will help you.
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