You have a lower self and a higher self. This can best be sensed by opening your consciousness to your energetic body. There are seven (or eight, depending on the system) centers or wheels that anchor your energetic body. The three lower wheels of energy, or Chakras, align with the base of your spine, your belly button (roughly) and your solar plexus. Your fourth Chakra is a kind of pivot or bridge to your higher self which is represented by the fourth, fifth and sixth Chakras. Though the Chakras aren't mentioned explicitly in this guided meditation it is a powerful addition to this 30 minute version of the Peace, Harmony, Unity, Oneness guided meditation to use it to activate your 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Chakras. Keep the following associations in mind as the meditation unfolds:

The 4th Chakra (Anahata or Heart Chakra) is located in the center of your chest and is associated with a deep sense of peace. Associated with your intuition, it is the bridge to your higher self as represented by the 5th, 6th and 7th Chakras.The 5th Chakra (Visuddha or Throat Chakra) aligns with the center of your neck and is accompanied with a feeling of being in harmony with the universe.The 6th Chakra (Ajna or Third Eye Chakra) lies in the center of your forehead and, when opened, gives you visibility into your unity or union with infinity.The 7th Chakra (Sahasrara or Crown Chakra) sits at the top of your head and denotes your oneness with Love.

This meditation will guide you through the activation and opening of each of these upper Chakras. To use it in this way, when you hear "Peace, Harmony, Unity, Oneness" visualize your heart, your throat area, your forehead, and the crown of your head, respectively.

Peace = HeartHarmony = ThroatUnity = ForeheadOneness = Crown of Head

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