Having an understanding and awareness of your past is required if it is affecting your life adversely now. 

But, this must be balanced with a new way of seeing and doing, otherwise your future will just look like your past because you'll be repeating past patterns of thought, feeling and behaviour which are deeply ingrained in all of us. 

If you want your life to change, you have to be prepared to change, AND prepared to do the work that's required to change. 

There's an effective way to do that and I'm here to show you how. 


The Happy Inside Podcast is for you if you experience anxiety, stress, gut symptoms and disorders, IBS, IBD, SIBO, food intolerance, elimination diets, Low FODMAP dietary restrictions and chronic illness.

Happy Inside attends to the psychological, emotional and behavioural aspects of gut disorders and chronic illness; old wounds, life misalignments, the fear, anxiety and stress around symptoms, the hypervigilence, the limitations, restrictions and impacts these are having on your life - all those conversations you’ve been waiting to have are happening right here. I hear you and you’re not alone. 

#gut #guthealth #sibo #ibs #gutdisorders #lowfodmap #ibd #stress #anxiety #chronicpain #chronicillness #autoimmunedisease #braingutconnection #psychology #nervoussystem #functionalmedicine #naturopath #mindbody #happyinside #gastroenterology #dietitian #psychology #nutritionist #microbiome #foodintolerance