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Susan Gold, an author and transformational life coach shares mental health tips and techniques from her book, "Toxic Family: Transforming Childhood Trauma into Adult Freedom. " Susan's journey and her dedication to helping others shine through in this engaging and impactful discussion.

Susan shares in the episode:

Using her  intuitive experiences  to share  her story and leave a legacy.

Impacting a close friend with her book

How an "I'm okay" exercise can quickly improve your mood

How techniques such as watching inspirational videos, listening to uplifting music, and finding joy in simple things can drastically improve your mood.

How positive energy can uplift and transfer to others

About our Guest

Susan Gold is Magical.

Navigating a ferociously challenging upbringing, while bravely moving forward as an adult to face ingrained, outdated, and patriarchal programming head-on, Susan now shares a unique perspective in viewing life challenges as occasions for transformation. She’s excited to help others all over the globe transform their traumatic experiences into peace.

Through her book, Toxic Family: Transforming Childhood Trauma into Adult Freedom, Susan turns the standard paradigm on its head courageously leading others through her own journey of abuse, addiction, and surviving narcissism all while creating a distinctly empowering personal and professional life.


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