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If you're feeling overwhelmed and exhausted from constantly trying to please others and ignoring your own needs, then you are not alone! Despite your efforts to achieve a balanced approach to mental health and wellness, you may find yourself constantly sacrificing your own self care for the sake of others' comfort. Instead of prioritizing your own well-being, you may be caught in a cycle of people-pleasing, constantly seeking validation and approval from others. This can leave you feeling depleted, disconnected from yourself, and unable to achieve the result you desire. It's time to recognize the difference between self care and self comfort and take steps towards prioritizing your own needs.

In this episode, you will be able to:

Differentiate between the nuanced meanings of self-care and self-comfort.

Learn the delicate art of balancing your self-care practices.

Scrutinize the comforting value of TV programs in everyday life.

Realize the power of emotion-laden television shows in promoting emotional release.

Perceive the covert implications of social media on mental wellness.

My special guest is Becca Ferguson

Get ready to unravel the nuances of self-care and self-comfort with our guest for today, Becca Ferguson. Donned with a licensed therapist tag, Becca masterfully adopts a hands-on approach to mental health, focusing on the balance of self-care and self-comfort. Often spotted steering compelling conversations around her own personal experiences, the insights she brings to the table are powerfully relatable. Becca isn't just a therapist; she's a real human who isn't afraid to talk about weight struggles, eating disorders, and the benefits of dreamy weekends filled with 'trash TV'. So, if you're yearning for an authentic perspective on mental health, Becca has got you covered.

Key Takeaways:

Prioritize self care activities like exercise, meal planning, socializing, and education to improve overall mental health.

Balance self care with self comfort

Consider using trash TV or shows like The Voice and AGT to tap into emotions and find inspiration in others' journeys.

Watch emotional shows or movies like My Girl to allow yourself to feel and release emotions in a safe space.

About our Guest

Becca Ferguson is a Licensed Professional Counselor who specializes in trauma recovery, is an online course creator, and real-life human being. Becca brings her love for storytelling and teaching to every environment that she’s in! When people ask her for advice, it’s coming from years of experience personally and professionally. Becca’s main goal is for people to know that they aren’t alone. In her spare time, Becca drowns out the intrusive thoughts with trash TV, playing with her cats, and hanging out with her incredible husband!


◼️ Happy Brain Mental Wellness Tips and Resources\

◼️ Visit Becca’s website and check out their self care versus self comfort course.

◼️ Consider watching The Office for a light and comforting break from daily stress.◼️ Explore Becca Ferguson's therapy office, inspired by The Office, for a unique and welcoming experience.

◼️  If you're a fan of AGT, The Office, or other TV shows, enjoy the references and personal experiences shared in the podcast episode.

◼️ Follow and support talented individuals like Drew Lynch and Preacher Lawson on social media to stay inspired and motivated in your own journey

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