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Do you care about self-care and love to travel?  This episode is for you!

The episode is about self-care and travel, and how travel helps you tap into your spirit. Dr. Daphne Scott is a clinical psychologist who shares her experience and perspective on self-care and travel.

◼️Part 1: Self-Care 101

Dr. Daphne shares her perspective on what self-care means to her. She believes that self-care goes beyond just taking care of your body and mind; it also includes taking care of your spirit, emotions, and soul. She talks about her soul spa and how it helps people nurture themselves at a deeper level to live a fulfilling life.

◼️Part  2: How Travel Helps You Tap Into Your Spirit

Dr. Daphne shares how travel helps her to be present in the moment, like meditation. She talks about how every second of travel forces her to be aware of her surroundings, and it makes her brain focus on new experiences. She believes that traveling is healthy for the brain as it improves neuroplasticity by trying new things, such as new foods, locations, languages, cultures, and scenery.

◼️Part 3: Presenting Yourself Differently While Traveling

Dr. Daphne talks about how traveling gives people a chance to present themselves differently. Nobody knows you, so you can choose how you want to come across, and it forces you to have really good boundaries. She shares how she makes meaningful connections everywhere she goes.


Dr. Daphne Scott shares her clinical psychologist's perspective on self-care and travel. She emphasizes the importance of taking care of your whole self, including your spirit, emotions, and soul. She shares how travel helps improve neuroplasticity, and it is an excellent way to be present in the moment, like meditation. She encourages people to travel to new places to present themselves differently, make meaningful connections, and exercise their brain.

About our Guest
Dr. Daphne Erhart is a psychologist, author, speaker, master practitioner of neurolinguistic programming, world traveler, lover of people, animals, and nature. With over 25 of experience in the field of psychology, assisting clients of all types transform their lives.

Dr. Daphne loves to live and help others live a deeply satisfying lifestyle by experiencing new ways of thinking, living, being, and relating through her Soul Spa.

I believe we should all create and live a life we love. I've done this for myself and create processes to help others envision and then live a healthy, fun, adventurous life of their dreams!


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