In this week's episode of Happy Brain, host Sean Bloch takes a step outside of his usual fare and ventures into the world of spiritual clearing. Joining him as a guest is Alida Morrill, an expert in the field with over 12 years of experience helping people get and stay balanced.

The episode is an experiential and hands-on journey through a spiritual clearing process, with Alida guiding listeners through the process of ridding their minds of stinking thinking and clearing their energy of contaminants. While the topic may be a departure from the norm for Happy Brain, it is certainly thought-provoking and a must-listen for those interested in exploring alternative approaches to mental wellness.

However, it should be noted that there is a trigger warning for the topic of suicide mentioned in the episode. The guest does talk about the tragic suicide of her ex-husband, but the episode itself does not address the issue.

For those who are intrigued by the concept of spiritual clearing, be sure to check out Alida's website ( and LinkedIn profile ( Open your mind and enjoy this unique episode of Happy Brain!

About our Guest Alida Morrill

Alida has been helping people get and stay balanced for over 12 years.  She ensures that their energy is clear of all contaminants and especially non-beneficial energies.  These energies are very common in our world and most people are unaware of them. The most important aspect of Alida's processes is that she helps her clients rid their minds of stinking thinking...something that can bewilder any one of us.

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