In this episode, we'll be talking about why we have and need habits, the anatomy of a habit, and how cravings can work to our advantage in making new habits stick.

The part about CRAVINGS is a game changer for lots of people so if you struggle with late-night snacking that sabotages your other weight loss efforts or find exercising with any kind of consistency nearly impossible, this episode is one you'll want to listen to as you make a plan for tomorrow.

Note:  In light of all the recent events with the COVID-19 outbreak and because human connection and community are so vital to our sense of well being, I've started a private Facebook Group:  Moxie Club Meetup.  It's completely free.  Let's support each other and we will emerge on the other side of this stronger than ever.  Click here to join the group.


Access the FREE Masterclass: How To Lose Weight For The Last Time Order Amy's book Thoughts Are Habits Too: Master Your Triggers, Free Yourself From Diet Culture, and Rediscover Joyful Eating. Join our private Facebook group: Moxie Club Meetup Follow Amy on Instagram @habitwhisperer