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Watches have previously been used to store the memories of Time Lords locked away by the Chameleon Arch  There have been many other stories featuring multiple Doctors There were three TARDISes in one room during The Day of the Doctor To the relief of the OM, Chris Chibnall confirmed, “she is definitely the Doctor. There is no sore of parallel universe going on, there’s no tricks.” In The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End Ten nearly regenerates but keep his appearance by using a handy handThe sonic screwdriver first appeared during the 2nd Doctor’s time but wasn't a regular part of the show until later YW thought Ruth was acting like the Master when he still thought he was a human in Utopia  Clara’s TARDIS initially has a Type 1 default interior The Judoon first appeared on the moon Nida Manzoor also directed Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror (not Spyfall, OM) During Spyfall Part 1 the Master tells the Doctor, “everything that you think you know… is a lie”

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