Show Notes & Links:

Missy (the previous incarnation of The Master?) was last seen at the end of S10 Part 1 was directed by Jamie Magnus Stone, Part 2 by Lee Haven Jones Ada Lovelace was a pioneer in computer science & Noor Khan a British WWII hero Big Finish should ask Nakkiah Lui to write about the Doctor in the Outback Google used to have a ‘don’t be evil’ clause in it’s Code of Conduct Unlike the classic-villain-free season which preceded it, the previous New Year’s Day special, Resolution, included a Dalek Day of the Doctor was the amazing culmination of the 50th Anniversary Year The Cartmel Master Plan was never really Cartmell’s master plan Kylo Ren is a Star Wars villain Omega & Rassillon were (two of?) the founders of Gallifrey There was a Classic example of ‘contact’ in The Three Doctors The Remnants mentioned The Timeless Child in The Ghost Monument The Boneless were antagonists from another dimension in Flatline It’s Artron Energy, not Archon Old Man Donna’s fate in Journey’s End was very controversial

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