Show Notes & Links:

The Doctor first called her companions ‘fam’ during The Woman Who Fell to Earth We keep talking about events in the previous episode, Ascension of the Cybermenthe mast The Ruth-Doctor appears in Fugitive of the Judoon The Master says “everything you know is a lie” in Spyfall The Doctor has had more than the 12 regeneration ‘limit’ Clara asking the Time Lords to give the Doctor more regenerations in The Time of the Doctor is retrospectively amusing References in this episode include Borusa and the Panopticon The matrix appeared in Hell Bent The Old Man is making a confused reference to The Deadly Assassin Previous incarnations of the Doctor are shown in The Brain of Morbius The Doctor having two hearts is not introduced until Spearhead from Space, being a Time Lord in The War Games, and regeneration in The Tenth Planet


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