In this episode, the panel shares some of their favorite productivity tips.

GTDJedi Show Notes

Episode #: 47

Date: 02/19/19

Hosts: Clay Russell, Jerry Goldbaum & Timothy Broder

Jedi Tricks from Around the Web

If you, our listeners, have at trick you would like to share with us, simply tweet us @GTDJedi.

The Zapier Guide to Email Automation 

20 Creative Ways to Use Trello and Organize Everything

Tip: stop the Podcasts app from auto-advancing to the next episode from the same show

The Big Discussion 

Our Favorite Productivity Tips


Siri - Remind me of this

Going back to the Mothership - Screens, GoToMyPc

Play with shortcuts - simple and chain actions

Organize, Organize, Organize


When picking a new tool, optimize for the things you do most often. Go deep on those instead of optimizing for edge cases

If a tool isn’t working; you find yourself avoiding it, it’s time for a new tool or method

If tech repeatedly fails you, go old school. Make a list of what you need to do in the morning. Cross off as you go. The next morning rip off that page, copy of what needs to get done to the days page or a someday maybe list

Read the Getting Things Done book. Even if you don’t want to practice GTD, it really helps you think about projects, problems, tasks and break them down


The “Daily Folder” 

Use Alarms for 911 reminders

Batch Process Email

My Flow

Capture Everything (Where is your Inbox?)

Eliminate, Delegate, Automate

Set Priorities

Time & Energy

Hyper-scheduling - The Hyper-Scheduling Experiment — MacSparky

Command + “.”

Bantha Fodder (apps deleted from our devices)

Clay - 75% of all my apps 

See my post: TEKTOK Podcast - EP059 - When to Buy, When to Cry - Sweet TEK Pick - I Restored My iPhone — The TEKSide Network 

Jerry - N/A

Tim - N/A

Counsel from the Council (listener feedback segment)

How to Reach Us (where you can reach the GTDJedi Order)

Clay - @clayrussell 

Jerry - @JNGold on twitter, blogs on

Tim - @timothybroder

In Closing

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The website, productivity tips, etc.

The rest of the network


We thank you all for listening and remember, with a little training, anyone can be on their way to becoming a GTDJedi. Goodbye!

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