In this episode, the panel shares some of their favorite Shortcuts.

GTDJedi Show Notes

Episode #: 46

Date: 01/22/19

Hosts: Clay Russell, Jerry Goldbaum & Timothy Broder

Jedi Tricks from Around the Web

Unbelievably Useful Apple Note Tips by DailyTekk

How to Automate Bear with Shortcuts & Siri by

Notion Databases: Workshop by Keep Productive

If you, our listeners, have at trick you would like to share with us, simply tweet us @GTDJedi.

The Big Discussion

Shortcuts: Some of Our Favorites


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Jedi Weapons of Choice

Clay - Shortcut Blasters

Jerry - Flight Time, Low Power BT. Combine Photos, Insulin Calculator

Tim - All the single ladies, Log it, Tweets to Omnifocus, Car Omnifocus? Text Cannon?

Bantha Fodder (apps deleted from our devices)

Clay - Every damn thing, full restore

Jerry - Apple Podcasts

Tim - Top Nine, Locket Photos, Apollo

How to Reach Us

Where you can reach the GTDJedi Order

Clay - @clayrussell

Jerry - @JNGold on twitter, blogs on

Tim - @timothybroder

In Closing

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The rest of the network


We thank you all for listening and remember, with a little training, anyone can be on their way to becoming a GTDJedi. Goodbye!

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