After concluding a prolific professional cycling career that produced a medal at the 2012 London Olympic Games, eight US national championships, two Pan American gold medals and a world record, Dotsie Bausch has become a powerful influencer for plant-based eating for athletes and non-athletes alike.

Long before embodying radiant health and becoming an influential game-changer, Bausch struggled for years with severe eating disorders and a recreational drug habit, that combined, led to a suicide attempt. It was during her recovery that she discovered her gift and love for the bike.

Dotsie speaks passionately around the world, spreading her message about the numerous benefits – humane, nutritional, and environmental – of plant-based eating. Her popular TEDx Talk, “Olympic Level Compassion,” has been a catalyst of change for thousands of people.

Visit Dotsie at,, and @veganolympian on Instagram.