Vishen Lakhiani is the founder and CEO of, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, and an innovation board member of the XPrize.

As a Malayasian-born entrepreneur, Vishen started his career by pursuing the traditional path by working for Microsoft in the United States. After realizing his desire for building something new, he started Mindvalley in 2002, and has bootstrapped the business to over 400 employees and millions of dollars in revenue.

I did my best to take my conversation with Vishen in a fresh direction where he has normally not gone, as he shares. 

We delved into some meaningful points including:

The formula that Vishen uses to tell remarkable stories and become a better speaker
Strategies and tactics to memorize anything including grocery items, names, and long numbers
I put Vishen on the spot to memorize 20 numbers I write down (and ask him to do it backwards!)
His honest experience on Ayahausca and some freaky revelations that he stumbled upon during the experience
much more

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