This isn’t a salesy episode. But it kind of is. Growth Machine’s Head of Sales & New Client Strategy, Nathan Daly, joins the show to talk about FAQs from our clients and gives advice for how you can vet the agencies you hire. We also talk about how content marketing should fit into your overall business strategy.

Show Notes:

1:04 - Nathan shares how he prepares for client calls.

3:37 - What types of businesses contact Growth Machine?

8:00 - Indicators of a successful prospect call. 

9:20 - Guidance for people in vetting agencies.

11:25 - The role content plays in multi-step conversions.

16:27 - Content should never be a “Hail Mary” or a “silver bullet”. 

19:50 - First-touch, last-touch, and multi-touch attribution. 

22:46 - In speed round style, Nathan answers Growth Machine sales FAQs.

28:56 - Amanda asks Nathan the questions he wishes he heard more often.

32:02 - Why investing in high-quality content is better in the long run for your business. 


Ahrefs (1:25)

Moz (1:29)

6 Red Flags to Look for When Hiring a Content or Marketing Agency (9:31)

The Writer Finder (24:59)

How We Hire Great Writers at Growth Machine (27:10)

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