Today we discuss the ancient field of Ayurveda and how to heal your own imbalances using it with a gifted practitioner Damin Hagglund. I've experienced Damian's work first hand and it's been a key asset for maintaining my health.

We'll cover gut wellness, mind-body connection, martial sciences and his incredible journey. Damian's story begins like an epic Martial Arts saga. At the age of 5 Damian began training by entering boarding school studying under monks and masters. He lived in India for 18 years and trained with many great masters, covering ancient Vedic texts, Wing Chun, Taekwondo, and Aikido.

In 1995, Damian met Dr. Madusudan Ray, while on a search for relief from sciatica. After implementing the warrior system of Ayurveda, Damian was able to heal himself and after much dedication and persistence became Dr. Madhusudan Ray’s first western disciple. Damian practices a form of martial arts massage called Marma where he uses specific points on the body to resolve any disharmonies. With a no-nonsense attitude and approach, he has dedicated his life to serving others by sharing his experience and knowledge of Ayurveda around the world.