No matter how high your IQ test shows, you cannot run everything in your business on your own. Maybe your ego is saying that only you should handle x, only you could deal with y, and only you can possibly work on z. That’s just not the case. In fact, IQ does not necessarily determine a business’s success. It helps, but where does expertise in one area get you if your business is still struggling financially because you are not able to complete certain duties the way they need to be completed? 

Not only are you going to spread yourself too thin and inevitably lose your sanity if you are trying to juggle too many tasks, but chances are, you are throwing money out the door by not handing over duties to an in-house employee or outsourcing them. You’re probably thinking: how can I lose money if I’m not paying someone else to do my job? First, let’s talk about your value-per-hour; what it costs for you to handle the tasks you do. Then, calculate what it would cost to outsource or hand xyz over. If it costs you more to do a task than it would someone else, you need to consider handing it over. 

Everyone should know how important networking is for a business. When you have created a network of individuals who have strengths and smarts in different areas than you, your business will act as a “well-oiled machine” of various moving parts that work correctly and more smoothly for you and your clients.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

Financial success is the scoreboard we use to indicate how much value you are providing to the marketplaceCost-per-hour calculation of any significant recurring activity you doIf you are able to find and build a team of people who can do all the tasks needed to solve the problem you are going to solve for your clients, you will be successful and your income has huge potential for growth

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Resources Mentioned: 

Grab the FREE eBook “Top 10 Secrets for B2B Small Business Owners” at

